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Begin snole!" "It began to snow?" "On, no; I tay you. Dissa merchan' begin mekka lika dis." Fuey makes a sound that is unmistakable. "'We', nen look shee whatta dissa woman go do. She go to hooks on wa', an' tek down lot her dresses. Nen I shee man step out. Dissa woman whisper to him: "Shee my husban' slip. He bling back glate many go' and sivver!

Shee vay many peoples getta on tlain. Assa conductor, 'Whatta is? Conductor tole me: 'You can't go. You a heeffen. Dissa Chrisinjin Indevil Shoshiety. "Dissa mek me vay tire. 'Me'ican peoples fink ole China heeffen. Fink doan' know about Gaw of heffen. Dissa 'Me'icans doan' know whatta is. China peoples benieve Olemighty Gaw semma lika you." Fuey endures in meditation several moments.

Before me sits the Chinese my friend who, when the hurlyburly's done, spins me out the hours with narratives of ancient Yellowland. His name is Fuey Fong, and he speaks to me thus: "Missa Gordon, whatta is Chrisinjin Indevil Shoshiety?" I explain to him as best a journalist may the purpose of the Society for Christian Endeavour. "We', dissa morning I go down to lailload station.

"Yeh; uh-uh-coshious!" sneezes Fuey. "Nen magistrate begin craw' 'long on his stoamch inchy inchy cross flaw out daw. Nen run fas' he can towards Tsan Ran Foo. "One mont' go by, an' magistrate sit up in his high chair in his court. Befron him dissa woman an' her beau, ole cover wif mark dissa bamboo po', an' dissa fadder-mudder-in-'aw, an' dissa highrob.

'Most scare' to def! Nen I shin down loof run 'way." Fuey draws a long breath, and smiles at me his calm, celestial smile. "We', Chan Tow finis' his sto'y. Magistrate was ole tem smoke big clou's smoke, an' mek loom look lika was on fire. Mek oneddy wek up an' open daw. When Chan Tow finis', magistrate say: 'My de-ah brudder de highrob, yo' sto'y vay intinesse, vay intinesse!

"Yeh," says Fuey; "I do' know dissa word semma you tek off yo' clo's." "Changed his mind?" "Yeh." "'Begin to tek off chenge his mine an' say: "How I ki' him?" Woman say: "You tekka dissa sharp knife." "'Nen he clep up to dissa bed, his eye ole stick from his head.

I give you good position; awso money." "And that was how these criminals were converted?" I say, remembering the promise of the story. "Yeh; convert to behead. Dissa case," concluded Fuey, "show how Gaw can convert cliliman when he wish; show how Gaw is glate. I tay you China peoples not heeffen. China 'ligion teach to try to affection one anudder; respec' yo' parents; an' charity an' pure moral.