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Brushing back his long hair, that had fallen over his sweating forehead and covered his eyes, Demetrio said: "Now let's get those city fellows!" On the day General Natera began his advance against the town of Zacatecas, Demetrio with a hundred men went to meet him at Fresnillo. The leader received him cordially. "I know who you are and the sort of men you bring.

Having thus described with some minuteness one of the most extensive silver mines in the world, where an average of 5000 men and unnumbered animals are employed, it will not be necessary to go into details as we notice the many other celebrated mines of Mexico. Toluca. Queretaro, Guanajuato, and Zacatecas. Fresnillo. "Romancing." A lucky Priest. San Luis Potosi. The Valenciana at Guanajuato.

In climbing to the level of the city from the plain below, the railroad sometimes doubles upon itself horseshoe fashion, like a huge serpent gathering its body in coils for a forward spring, winding about the hills and among the mines, affording here and there glimpses of grand and attractive scenery embracing the fertile plains of Fresnillo, and in the blue distance the main range of the Sierra Madre.

The Mineral Report, mentioned in the last note, which is so full on the subject Fresnillo, insists that it is a continuation of the formation of Cuatorce and the other mines of San Luis. The mountains at Cuatorce are more dreary, bleak, and barren than in any other of the principal mining districts, as it is more exposed to the storms and tempests from the northeast and from the ocean.

But now both these bonanzas have given out, and the annual product of silver in the State of Guanajuato has fallen off over $2,000,000, while the mines of Zacatecas are in a most flourishing condition, as is shown by the large sum of $1,200,000 being demanded by government for renewing the lease of the mint at Zacatecas. Fresnillo is the most flourishing of the mines of Zacatecas.

"Gathering alfalfa for my cow." "How many Federals are there around here?" "Just a few: not more than a dozen, I reckon." The old man grew communicative. He told them of many important rumors: Obregon was besieging Guadalajara, Torres was in complete control of the Potosi region, Natera ruled over Fresnillo.

Trains were overloaded with people; there was a scarcity of trucks and coaches; hundreds of people, panic-stricken, walked along the highroad with their belongings in a pack slung over their shoulders. General Panfilo Natera was assembling his men at Fresnillo; the Federals already felt it was all up with them.

It was with amazement that the inhabitants of Fresnillo learned that the rebel attack on Zacatecas had failed completely. "They're coming back!" The rebels were a maddened mob, sunburnt, filthy, naked. Their high wide-brimmed straw hats hid their faces.