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"It's as good as big-game hunting any day, I think," his father answered; "and you don't have to travel for weeks out of civilization to find it. Well, now, we'll give you a chance to show how much of the angler you've got in you." The Bay and City of Avalon, Santa Catalina Islands, Cal., the most famous sport-fishing centre in the world. By permission of Mr. Chas. Fredk.

The cuttlefish had changed from its natural color to the exact hue of the sandy bottom on which it was crawling, and it was advancing so slowly that its progress could hardly be seen. By permission of Mr. Chas. Fredk. By permission of Mr. Chas. Fredk.

The force acting against both fish and boat drove the latter sideways a foot or more, so that the giant rose in the air not two feet from the gunwale of the boat, the spray stinging like fine rain as the wind of his leap whistled by. Dangerous method of capturing the monarch of the sea, used only by expert anglers. By permission of Mr. Chas. Fredk.

Where are the Radicals? Yours obediently, FREDK. A. MAXSE. "April 30th." Let me take this opportunity of thanking Admiral Maxse for his courageous generosity on my behalf.

The above account of church-ales has been derived partly from Stubbes and from a curious little pamphlet, edited by Rev. Fredk. Brown in 1883, entitled On some Star Chamber Proceedings, 34 Eliz. 1592; partly, also, from many churchwardens acc'ts, in particular the Seal Acc'ts in Surrey Arch. Expenses for all manner of provisions and delicacies, for minstrels and evidently, too, for a play occur.

Bruised, even bleeding in one or two places, Colin picked himself out of the wreckage and looked across in the faint light at the owner of the Golden Falcon, who seemed to have escaped with a few scratches and who was standing on the reef looking out to sea as though he wished that the fight were still on. By permission of Mr. Chas. Fredk.