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Diam. maj. 24, min. 21, alt. 16, mill. This snail strikingly resembles some Illyrian forms. It has affinities with H. coriaria, a species said to be from Ceylon. It was taken under stones and about roots of trees in Dunk Island, on the North-East coast of Australia. Helix franklandiensis. Tab. 2 fig. 2. a, b.

I believe this curious floating shell will throw some light on the true nature and habits of several palaeozoic types. It was taken in the towing net, gregarious, in the sea off Cape Howe, the south-east corner of Australia. Tab. 3 fig. 9. a, b. Tab. 2. Helix brumeriensis. Helix franklandiensis. Helix inconspicua. Helix iuloides. Helix divisa. Helix yulei. Helix dunkiensis. Helix louisiadensis.