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Yes! you took the form of Kidahachi just to deceive me! KIDAHACHI. What do you mean? What are you going to do to me? IYAJI. I am going to kill you! IYAJI. If you are really hurt, then let me see you in your real shape! IYAJI. I am feeling for your tail. If you don't put out your tail at once, I shall make you! But there are some very pleasing forms of the Fox-God.

His votaries are numerous, for the sagacity of the fox has passed into a proverb, and these people hope by prayers and gifts to move the fox-god to bestow upon them the shrewdness of the symbol.

All was good except one piece, which had changed into grass. Curious advantages have been taken of the superstitions relating to the Fox-God. In Matsue, several years ago, there was a tofuya which enjoyed an unusually large patronage. A tofuya is a shop where tofu is sold a curd prepared from beans, and much resembling good custard in appearance.

Indeed, there exists a letter from Hideyoshi to the Fox-God which would seem to show that in the time of the great Taiko the Inari-fox and the demon fox were considered identical. This letter is still preserved at Nara, in the Buddhist temple called Todaiji: KYOTO, the seventeenth day of the Third Month.

Inari the name by which the Fox-God is generally known, signifies 'Load- of-Rice. But the antique name of the Deity is the August-Spirit-of- Food: he is the Uka-no-mi-tama-no-mikoto of the Kojiki. In much more recent times only has he borne the name that indicates his connection with the fox-cult, Miketsu-no-Kami, or the Three-Fox-God.

Now when a person is certainly going to get well of smallpox a feast is given to the Hoso-no-Kami, much as a feast is given to the Fox-God when a possessing fox has promised to allow himself to be cast out. Upon a sando-wara, or small straw mat, such as is used to close the end of a rice-bale, one or more kawarake, or small earthenware vessels, are placed.