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'Play up with you, why should you be silent? Make a cronan to Conall Yellowclaw, said the head bard. Certainly I had no liking at all for the cronan, but up came the one cat and ten, and if they did not sing me a cronan then and there! 'Pay them now their reward, said the great fox-coloured cat.

'But, said the one-eyed fox-coloured cat that was commander-in-chief over them, 'you saw him not with your two eyes, and though I have but one eye, there's the rascal up in the tree. When he had said that, one of them went up in the tree, and as he was coming where I was, I drew a weapon that I had and I killed him.

Above us, white ships of cloud were sailing rapidly across the dark river of sky on the wind which smelled of change. And, after the cab was lost to sight, that wind still brought to us the dying sound of the slow wheels. Wet and hot, having her winter coat, the mare exactly matched the drenched fox-coloured beech-leaf drifts.

The common mange, which we used to think we could easily grapple with, was now little seen: even the usual red mange with the fox-coloured stain was not of more frequent occurrence than usual, but an intolerable itchiness with comparatively little redness of skin, and rarely sufficient to account for the torture which the animal seemed to endure, and often with not the slightest discoloration of the integument, came before us almost every day, and under its influence the dog became ill-tempered, dispirited, and emaciated, until he sunk under its influence.

Who should come in but one cat and ten, and one great one-eyed fox-coloured cat as head bard over them. When they came in, in very deed I myself had no liking for their company. 'Strike up with you, said the head bard, 'why should we be still? and sing a cronan to Conall Yellowclaw. I was amazed that my name was known to the cats themselves.

Above us, white ships of cloud were sailing rapidly across the dark river of sky on the wind which smelled of change. And, after the cab was lost to sight, that wind still brought to us the dying sound of the slow wheels. 1910. Wet and hot, having her winter coat, the mare exactly matched the drenched fox-coloured beech-leaf drifts.