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Trunnell seemed to be thinking for several minutes. Then he spoke. "There's lots o' bugs an' things forrads, ain't there?" said he. "If by lots ye means millions, I reckon ye're talkin'," said the man. "Well," said Trunnell, "I'll tell ye what I'll do. You get a sail needle an' a line to it about half a fathom long, see?" "I sees."

Do you think they've murdered the mate and bo'sun forrads, and robbed 'em? "As a similar idea flashed through my mind, that devil, the `marquis, answered the little Englishman's question as I, too, had feared!

"`Look-out there, forrads! cried Captain Alphonse, seeing the boat making apparently for our bows, but before a hand could be raised to prevent them, without asking permission in any way or offering the slightest apology or excuse in advance for their conduct, a number of negroes jumped out of her and began climbing aboard the Saint Pierre.

D'you see um, Massa Brace? movin' 'bout all ober it I see 'um plain as de sun in de hebbens! Scores o' people a'gwine about back'ard an' forrads. See yonner!"

"Don't start any didos with the domestic relations of this tribe," I told him, "or they'll spread us out, and spread us thin. Remember, you're here on business bent, and if you bend back and forrads, from business to pleasure, and versy visa, you'll bust. These people has scrooplous ideas regardin' their wives and I respect 'em." "She ain't married," Mike told me.

"'Tis a victim av discipline I am, fer sure, thin, sez I. 'Ye know I wud no more steal th' matther av a trunk than fly. "'An' who give ye th' order, ye disciplinarian? sez he. "'Me conscience, sez I. "'Ye better go forrads an' tell yer conscience th' fact that it's a bad wan fer an honest man to travel wid, sez he.

I may be right, but if I sees the world is agin me, I " "Right ye are, Trunnell. Spoken O.K." said the skipper. "I like to see a man what believes in a few things even if they's eliphints. What do you think of the fellow forrads? Do you believe in him to any extent?" The third mate appeared much amused at the conversation, but did not speak.

"You have just a few seconds less than a minute to get that fellow forrads and out of the way," he said slowly, as if counting his words, I made no movement to drag the ruffian away, for at that minute I would have offered no objection whatever to seeing the skipper make a target of him; but Trunnell and the sailor Jim instantly seized Andrews, while he cursed the captain and dared him shoot.

I've insisted on standing backwards an' forrads along the track for nearly a week in hopes we'd pick ye up, an' I've nearly had trouble with the old man for waiting so long. He's heard o' the fracas, an' will stand along to pick up his third mate. I don't know as he'll care for Andrews, but he'll take the girl-mate sure if he's afloat." "There's no use av makin' any bones av the matther, Mr.

He said jokingly that he'd raise a sail before eight bells in the afternoon. Suddenly he cried out: "Sail dead ahead, sir!" "'Tis no jokin' matter," growled Chips, angrily. "Shet yer head, ye monkey, afore I heave ye over th' side." Johnson turned fiercely upon him. "Jokin', you lummax! Slant yer eye forrads, an' don't sit there a-lookin' at yerself," he snarled. "Steady, there!" I cried.