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"Poor Adelaide Melhuish undoubtedly came here on Monday night and looked in at me while I was at work," said Grant sadly. "You know the history of my calf love three years ago, Wally." "Shall I ever forget it? You bored me stiff about it. Then, when the crash came, you walked me off my legs in the Upper Engadine. Ugh! That night on the Forno glacier. It gives me a chill to think of it now.

The colour varies from the velvety white outer petals through every shade of rose to the deepest crimson, and fading again to a creamy yellowish tint in the heart of the flower. The natives call it the forno do piosoca, or oven of the jacana the leaves being like that of the baking-pans, or ovens, on which the mandioca meal is roasted.

Moritz half an hour earlier, who sat in her furs and sipped her tea after a long conversation with a clerk in the bureau, was none other than Millicent Jaques, the dancer, one of the leading lights of English musical comedy. The peepers and whisperers little dreamed that she could be awaiting the party from the Forno.

Helen's ears were tuned to this perplexing note; but Spencer interpreted it according to his dislike of the man. "Stampa heard," he went on, with cold-drawn precision, "that Miss Wynton had gone to the Forno.

To this sturdy peasant the wondrous Forno merely represented a day's hard work, at an agreed sum of ten francs for carrying nearly half a hundredweight, and a liberal pour-boire if the voyageurs were satisfied.

Though she meant to go at once to the village, it would be a point gained if she was certain of Stampa's identity. She was already veiled and befurred when Léontine returned. Yes, Marie had given her full information. Madam had heard, perhaps, how Herr Bower and the pretty English mademoiselle were in danger of being snowed up in the Forno hut yesterday.

Then go to Lake Lunghino, that would suffice for the first real excursion. Next day, she ought to start early, and climb the mountain overlooking that same lake, up there, on the other side of the hotel, all rock and not difficult. If the weather was clear, she would have a grand view of the Bernina range. Next she might try the Forno glacier. It was a simple thing.

"Stampa is the lame Johnny who went up the Forno yesterday," volunteered Georgie, when they quitted the office. "But, I say, Miss Jaques, his daughter couldn't be a friend of yours?" Millicent did not answer. She was thinking deeply. Then she realized that Beryl Wragg was watching her intently.

"I have missed too much of real enjoyment in the effort to amass riches," he said slowly. "Believe me, that thought has held me since since you and I set foot on the Forno together." "But you knew? You were no stranger to the Alps? I am beginning to understand that one cannot claim kinship with the high places until they stir the heart more in storm than in sunshine.

Wine with this dinner is extra. Wine is extra. Let us now look at the menu of the $3.50 dinner, without wine: Pate 'de foie gras truffles on toast; salad; olives; Alice Fallstaff; Italian ham "Prosciutto;" soup semino Italiani with Brodo de Cappone; pompano a la papillote; tortellini with fungi a funghetto; fritto misto; spring chicken saute; Carcioffi all'Inferno; Capretto al Forno con Insallata; omelet Celestine; fruit; cheese, and black coffee.