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'Major, said he, 'I done did all I c'u'd, an' dere ain't no way 'cept breakin' down de do'. Las' time I done dat, Mis' Slocomb neber forgib me fer a week. "The judge jumped up. 'Major, I won't have you breakin' yo' locks and annoyin' Mrs. Slocomb. "'Yo' Honor, I said, 'please take yo' seat. I'm d d if you shan't taste that wine, if I have to blow out the cellar walls.

'Massa, oh massa, I done it! it's me dat killed him! 'I know you did, you d . Get out of my sight. 'Oh, massa, sobbed the woman, falling on her knees, 'I'se so sorry; oh, forgib me! 'Go to , you , that's the place for you, said the Colonel, striking the kneeling woman with his foot, and felling her to the floor. Unwilling to see or hear more, I left the master with the slave.

But I didn't mean to make the clothes come down." "No, I don't guess you did," said Dinah, as she came out of the laundry with the sheets which she had rinsed clean. "Ole Dinah done gwine to forgib her honey lamb 'cause he's gwine away far off from her. An' Dinah's other honey lamb didn't get hurted any. It was only two sheets an' Dinah's done washed 'em clean again.

Sally, dear, dear Sally, forgive me! But it was such an awful disappointment to be hurried away so, just as I saw him. I I am very wicked, Sally, will you forgive me?" said poor little Hester, bursting suddenly into tears, throwing her arms round her friend's neck and kissing her. "Forgib you, Geo'giana!

"'Oh, yes, Ham, I said. 'You always speak well of Martha, and what she knows. "'Deed I do, Marfa; dat's so; I does, all de time. "'Dat's all right den, Ham. I forgib you all what you do, so you jes' git out in de kitchen; dar's whar you blong. Dese folks spile you ef dey don't mind deyselves.

And don't you s'pose, my chil'ren, dat it'll be big 'nuff for Jule, too dat pore, repentin' chile, whose heart am clean broke, 'ca'se she hab broughten dis on Sam and won't de Lord de good Lord de tender-hearted Lord won't He touch Sam's heart, and coax him to forgib Jule, and to take her inter his house up dar? I knows he will, my chil'ren. I knows

"Oh yes, you will," returned the negress coolly; "you'll forgib me when I tells you dat I hab sab' your fadder's life, an' p'r'aps your own too!" "How? What do you mean?" demanded Hester, relaxing her little fists slightly, though still coruscating in the region of the eyes.

At last she said hoarsely, "You go and bring aid. He saved aunty and me, and I cannot leave him." At this moment Aun' Sheba came running back, exclaiming: "Good Lawd forgib me dat I should leab my honey lam'! My narbes all shook out ob jint like de houses, an' my legs run away wid me, dog gone 'em! Dey's brung me back howsomeber.

"Oh! forgib me, massa," cried Zulu, in mock repentance. "I's nebber nebber do it again! But you know you ax me to use one o' my hands to pass de biskit. Well, I 'bey orders. I use 'im, an' pass de biskit on to Luke." "Come, Ned, Zulu's more than a match for you there. Let him alone," cried Joe Davidson, "and don't be so stingy with your sugar, Zulu. Here, fill up again."

Bending down, the old man raised her gently in his arms, and folding her there, as he would have folded a child, he said, in a voice thick with emotion: 'It am so, Juley. I knows dat Sam will forgib you, and take you wid him up dar.