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It's amazin' to me he lasts as long as he does, an' it speaks volumes for the forbearin', law-abiding temper of the Wolfville public. This Lizard's a mighty oppressive person, an' a heap obnoxious; an' while I don't like a knife none myse'f as a trail out, an' inclines to distrust a gent who does, I s'pose it's after all a heap a matter of taste an' the way your folks brings you up.

Egg was as Christian an' forbearin' as you. Mebbe he could eat some buttered toast." "Try and see, Sadie; and don't bother me. I got to think." She thought steadily, eating cold rice with cream and apple jelly. Her memory of Packer was slim. He had spanked her for spilling ink on his diary. He had been a carpenter. His brothers were all dead.

But as you say, there's time enough, and my single and solitary advice to both o' you, is, don't look at one another before folks, if you can't keep your eyes from blabbin'. Not a soul suspicions anything now, and if you two'll only fix it betwixt and between you to keep quiet, and patient, and as forbearin' in showin' feelin' as people that hate each other like snakes, why, who knows but somethin' may turn up, all unexpected, to make the way as smooth for ye as a pitch-pine plank!"

It's deceivin' the old man, in one way, of course, but it isn't doin' him a bit of harm. And it does give the young folks a pleasant time, and I think they deserve it. Lulie has been as kind and forbearin' with her father as a daughter could be, and Nelson has been more patient than the average young fellow, by a good deal."

"'I'm that scared I fairly hankers for the privilege of howlin', but I realises acootely that havin' come this far towards homicide I must needs go through if Yuba crowds my hand. But he don't; he's forbearin' an' stands silent an' still. Likewise, I sees his nose, yeretofore the colour of a over-ripe violin, begin to turn sear an' gray. I recovers sperit at this as I saveys I'm saved.

Elder, I feels fer Mis Buggone an' her family, but dis yere ting's gwine on long anuff. We'se been forbearin' an' long-sufferin' till dere's a scan'el in de church. I'se tried wid all my might 'er keep de people awake an' listenin', and I'se gettin' dun beat out. Ef we wink at dis awful 'zample you mought as well go to de grabeyard an' preach.

My profession ain't a very cheery one, not in all sorts and kinds of weather." "But you are distinctly more cheerful this morning than usual?" "I am, sir. I don't deny it. I lost my temper sudden like when that crowd drew away from me as if I'd got the leprosy, and I'm usually a mild and forbearin' man." "Sit down," said Sarakoff. The man obeyed, and Sarakoff began to examine him carefully.

"Murder," said I, looking up from my work of staunching Anthony's wound. "Then forbear, and don't do it." "Why, Master Short, they've been forbearin' these ten minutes," a woman's voice put in. "Hush, and hear Master Short: he knows the law, an' all the dubious maxims of the same." "Aye, aye: he says forbear i' the King's name, which is to say, that other forbearing is neither law nor grace.

"There were a great many things in that luxurious apartment which it would have delighted me to look upon and examine, but I forbore." "I wish I'd been there," said the stout man; "there wouldn't have been any forbearin'." The speaker turned sharply upon him. "Don't you interrupt me again," he said angrily. Then, instantly resuming his deferential tone, he continued the story.

"I mean," continued Captain Elisha, "do you care for him enough? Enough to live with him all your life, and see him every day, and be to him what a true wife ought to be? See him, not with his company manners on or in his automobile, but at the breakfast table, and when he comes home tired and cross, maybe. When you've got to be forbearin' and forgivin' and "