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We knew in some crude way that it "made blood," that it prepared the food-products for use by the body-cells, and that it secreted the bile; but this latter secretion had little real digestive value, and the other changes seemed hardly important enough to demand that every drop of the blood coming from the food-tube should pass through this custom-house.

"Medicine and surgery have kept pace with other improvements inoculation and antiseptics, as already seen, rendering most of the germ diseases and formerly dreaded epidemics impotent; while through the potency of electrical affinity we form wholesome food-products rapidly, instead of having to wait for their production by Nature's slow processes.

This tax was for the dual purpose of raising revenue for the Government, and to protect the English farmer. Of course, the farmer believed in this tax which prevented any other country from coming into competition with himself. Cobden thought that food-products should pass unobstructed to where they were needed, and that any other plan was mistaken and vicious.

To rise at four or even earlier in the morning and to prepare the milk, to deliver it at the station, four to eight miles away, to attend to the wants of cows from twenty to one hundred in number; to prepare the various food-products, either by raising from the soil, or by carting from the railroad, these activities filled, ten years ago, the lives of one hundred and four of the adult males of the community; and these activities at present fill the time of sixty of the adult males of the community.

He thought that farmers should be the most intelligent, the most healthy and the happiest people on earth nothing was too good for a farmer. "Your businessmen are only middlemen the farmer digs his wealth out of the ground," he used to say. He quoted Brigham Young's advice to the Mormons: "Raise food-products and feed the miners and you will all get rich.

All competitive exhibits strictly contemporaneous, showing the arts of to-day Revolution worked by the motion-picture theater in exhibition methods The lessons of Machinery Palace Coal and steam fast yielding to liquid fuels and waterpower and electricity Life-saving devices, accident prevention and employees' welfare made prominent in Palaces of Machinery and Mines A contrast in locomotives Building a motor car every ten minutes Co-operative exhibits in Food-Products Palace Many great displays by the United States Government Educational exhibits not duplicated, each state or city showing its specialty.

The Father of the Packing-House Industry was Philip Danforth Armour. The business of the Packing-House Industry is to gather up the food-products of America and distribute them to the world. Let the fact here be stated that the world is better fed today than it ever has been since Herodotus sharpened his faber and began writing history, four hundred fifty years before Christ.

Those products which are believed to be advertised to the extent of $750,000 or more a year include the Uneeda Biscuits, Royal Baking Powder, Grape Nuts, Force, Fairy Soap and Gold Dust, Swift's Hams and Bacon, the Ralston Mills food-products, Sapolio, Ivory Soap, and Armour's Extract of Beef. The railroads are also very large general advertisers.

If that man is to be regarded as a benefactor of his species who makes two stalks of corn to grow where only one grew before, not less is she to be regarded as a public benefactor who economizes and turns to the best practical account the food-products of human skill and labour.

In the year Nineteen Hundred Nine, the two Dakotas and Minnesota produced more than two hundred million bushels of wheat worth, say, a dollar a bushel. And when wheat is a dollar a bushel the farmers are buying pianolas. The "Jim Hill Country" east of the Rockies is producing, easily, more than five hundred million dollars a year in food-products that are sent to the East for market.