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I've seen what other women folks has to go through with, being obliged to screw every way an' make up things out o' nothing, afraid to say the flour's gone or the sugar's out. Them very husbands is the ones that'll find most fault if their tables ain't spread with what they want. I know now what made your wife always look so pleased an' contented."

"Coffee," answered Laramie, taking off his jacket, laying his Colt's on the table and slipping off his breast harness. "I got no bread," announced Ben, to forestall objection. "Flour's low 'n' I didn't bake." "Crackers will do." "Ain't no crackers, neither," returned Ben, raising his voice and his smile in self-defense. "Give me coffee and bacon," suggested Laramie, impatiently.

'I was only wondering where my wife had gone, and thought maybe I guess she's up at Mrs. Stanton's on French Gulch. Nice weather, isn't it? Heard the news? Flour's gone down to forty dollars a hundred, and they say the che-cha-quas are flocking down the river in droves. 'But I must be going; so good-by. The door slammed, and from the window they watched him take his guest up French Gulch.

I don't know a good bait for boiled trout." "The flour's not gone yet," Carrie rejoined. "We'll hold on while it lasts and it's going farther than you think. Somehow I don't feel as if we'd be beaten." "We have come near it," said Jim, with rather grim humor. "One gets used to that, and resolution counts when you're fighting a snowslide or a flood; but we're up against another proposition now.

Some of our own company, branched off, other side of the Sierra, for the Carson River, but we struck up the Truckee and over to the American River this way. Don't know what dad and I'll do now. We ought to get some grub and other stuff. I'd give ten dollars for a loaf of bread." "Huh, I guess you would," retorted Charley. "Do you know what flour's selling at, in California? Sixty dollars a barrel.

"About the time one o' the big companies announced they was sold out o' everything but sugar and axe-handles, a couple o' steamers pushed their way in through the ice. After all, just as old J. J. Healy said, it was only a question of rations and proper distribution. Why, flour's fell from one hundred and twenty dollars a sack to fifty!

Most health conscious people are aware that white flour products won't support healthful human life either. Essentially, white flour's effect on humans is another demonstration of Health = Nutrition / Calories. When the bran and germ are discarded, remaining are the calories and much of the protein, lacking are many vitamins and minerals and other vital nutritional substances.

The lovely Flour's in Purgatory!" 'Then silence for a while; and then a sound like a dray-wheel passing over a packing-case.... That was the only time on record that the Flour was heard to swear. And he swore then. 'They didn't pray for him they gave him a month. And, when he came out, he went half-way across the road to meet the doctor, and he to his credit, perhaps came the other half.

It was a great joke amongst the boys who knew the Flour, and who also knew the Nipper; but as it was carried too far in some quarters, it got to be no joke to the Flour nor to those who laughed too loud or grinned too long. 'The Flour's cousin thought he was a sharp man.

He was leaving the Sourdough, when he suddenly turned back to the bar from the door. "Got another hunch?" was the query. "I sure have," he answered. "Flour's sure going to be worth what a man will pay for it this winter up on the Klondike. Who'll lend me some money?"