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All was quiet inside, so I went into the room where the light was a-burnin'. There was a candle flickerin' on the mantelpiece a red wax one and by its light I saw " "Yes, I know all that you saw. You walked round the room several times, and you knelt down by the body, and then you walked through and tried the kitchen door, and then "

And then, not waiting to hear any objections, he began: The stars are bright to-night; They surely are a sight, Sendin' their flickerin' light From an awful, unknown height. Why do they shine so bright? I'm most o'ercome with fright "Of course I reely wasn't scared," he offered with a deprecatory smile, "but there wasn't any other word that I could think of just then an' so I shoved her in.

Pathrick beyant, wid the little lamp flickerin' an' flickerin' an' shinin' on his face, an' I thought o' Barney, an' that I'd niver see him agin, an' I burst out cryin'. 'Oh, St Pathrick! says I, 'how'll I ever be able to make up my mind to it at all? An' St. Pathrick looked back at me rale wicked. An' 'Oh, says I again, 'God forgive me, but sure how can I help it? An' there was St.

Then there's the 'unger for gettin' under cover when you're bein' sniped, an' the 'unger for blood, when you've got the Hafridis, or the Fuzzies, or the Dutchies, at close quarters, and the bay'nits are flickerin' in an' out of the dirty caliker shirts or the dirty greatcoats like Jimmy O! There's the 'unger for freedom and fresh hair when you're shut up in a filthy mud cattle-pound like this 'ere Fort, or a stinkin' trench, with a 'andful of straw to set on by day an' a ragged blanket to kip in by nights.

It rhymes anyhow an' just about says what I wanted." He resumed: When I look up into the night, An' see their flickerin' light. He ceased and looked at Hollis with an abashed smile. "It don't seem to sound so good when I'm readin' her out loud," he apologized. "An' I've thought that mebbe I've worked that 'night' an' 'light' rhyme over-time.

There they found Pete still shouting for help, kneeling above the body of a man, and working desperately to arrange an effectual tourniquet. They ran close and discovered the two men. Old Morton knew enough rude surgery to stop the bleeding. It was he who counted the pulse and listened to the heart. "Low," he said, "very low life is just flickerin', stranger."

Bushrod flopped around, threw increased vehemence into his prayer, and resumed his recital of his misdeeds. "Two!" counted Shorty. Again Bushrod whirled around with uplifted hands and begged for mercy. "Nary mercy," said Shorty. "You wouldn't give it to us, and you hain't given it to many others, according to your own account. Your light's flickerin', and we'll blow it out at the next count.

But say, when you got a glimpse of the way her old eyes was lighted up, and saw the smile flickerin' around her lips, you knew that nobody in that whole crowd was any happier than she was just at that minute. "Oh, yes," says she. "Minnie Casey is looking for you two young folks. She's dancing with Edgar now, but they'll be back soon. Haven't seen my son Edgar, have you? Well, you must.

"That's the fact, Jiff; but how did ye find it out?" "My own common sense told me. You've been looking 'round the last hour for a chance to indulge agin." "I'll admit," was the frank response, "that a dim idea of the kind has been flickerin' through me brain; but I cast the timptation indignantly behind me. Do you know why?" "No."

"I heard a man's feet on the ground, an' thin a 'Tini joinin' in the chorus. I'd been lyin' warm, thinkin' av Dinah an' all, but I crup out wid the bugle for to look round in case there was a rush, an' the 'Tini was flashin' at the fore-ind av the camp, an' the hill near by was fair flickerin' wid long-range fire.