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"I'll send the little chap over in a minute." The tone of authority had its effect, but in a way Scott did not exactly intend. The boy loosened his grasp, and said with gravity: "I did not know the woman was thine. I will go." Then he cried to his companions, a mob of three-, four-, and five-year-olds waiting on the success of his venture ere they stampeded: "Go back and eat.

Children quarrel about trifles, children are unreasonably jealous, children fight for leadership and seek constantly to enlarge their ego as against their comrades. Any one who watches two five-year-olds for an hour will observe a dozen conflicts. So with many husbands and wives.

Even little five-year-olds, like Teddy Reeves, gathered and carried kindling wood, and weeded the garden; while boys of my own age were old and experienced farm hands, and had adopted the heavy, lurching stride of the farm labourer. I suppose there never was a 'charitable' institution conducted more emphatically upon business lines than was St. Peter's Orphanage.

At one end of the Circus is a building containing a curved line of stalls, equidistant from the starting-point, in which the drivers hold their chariots in readiness. These are all barred, and only at the signal will the doors be thrown open. The horses are commonly three-year-olds or five-year-olds. In some races there are two horses to the chariot, in others four.

I'll send the little chap over in a minute." The tone of authority had its effect, but in a way Scott did not exactly intend. The boy loosened his grasp, and said with gravity: "I did not know the woman was thine. I will go." Then he cried to his companions, a mob of three-, four-, and five-year-olds waiting on the success of his venture ere they stampeded: "Go back and eat. It is our man's woman.

The children scattered like a covey of quail; but a pair of little five-year-olds, forgotten by the others, walked on hand in hand, looking into each other's faces, right toward the poor crazed, hunted brute, which trotted slowly toward the children, gnashing its frothing jaws at sticks and weeds, at everything it met, ready to bury its teeth in the first baby to come within reach.

But what's the use of watching them? Are they all babies? Every person has his own brains in his head. Let every one think for himself. All you need to do is to look out for the five-year-olds, that they don't spoil something or other. What a life for a girl! There's nothing worse on earth! But the mistress doesn't want to consider whether a girl gets much fun out of life. Well, does she get much?

"You mustn't expect the sun and the moon to stand still before me." "Oh, well, I dare say I'm as foolish as other mothers." Mrs. Percival laughed as though she must do that or cry. "But you were certainly born to something, Dick. You've shown it ever since you organized your first militia company and whipped the five-year-olds in the next street."

I reckon he owed me more'n the pony's worth, 'n if he didn't he can just pertend he raised my wages last month." "Why didn't you let him raise your wages a little more, an' bring along a bunch o' five-year-olds too?" sez I, grinning.

"What are you ridin' that old skin for?" sez he. "'Cause it's the only pony I got," sez I. "You leave it here an' take your pick out o' the five-year-olds," sez he. "All I want out o' this ranch is what I have earned," sez I. "If you don't get something 'at your pride'll earn some day, I'm the biggest fool this side o' the big ditch. Here's your pay.