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It wuz made of a white book muslin, and Jenette Finster made it. Cut it out by one of his mother's nightgowns so she told me in confidence, and of course I tell it jest the same; I want it kep. She was afraid Joe wouldn't like it, if he knew she took the nightgown for a guide, wantin' it, as he did, for a religious purpose.

So complete was his absorption that Herr Finster, the celebrated Berlin banker, who had been addressing the chair for the last two hours from the opposite end of the long table, got confused, entirely lost track of his verb, and suddenly dropped into his seat, very red in the face and wearing a most injured expression.

All the time grandma was bringing girls with her to help, and making me work with them when I helped. They were nice girls, too Kittie, and Dose, Lizzie Finster, and Zeruiah Strickler, and Amy Smith all farmer girls. Grandma was always talking about the wisdom of my marrying a farmer girl. "The best thing about Christina," said she, "is that she is the daughter of a farmer."

It wuz made of a white book muslin, and Jenette Finster made it. Cut it out by one of his mother's nightgowns so she told me in confidence, and of course I tell it jest the same; I want it kep. She was afraid Joe wouldn't like it, if he knew she took the nightgown for a guide, wantin' it, as he did, for a religious purpose.

At the word "you," the two on the chairs they were Lizzie Finster and Charley McKim at first brought their arms down and caught a couple they caught Kittie and me who were at that moment passing through between the chairs which were the needle's eye; and then they sang, giving us room to execute: "And they bow so neat! And they kiss so sweet! We do intend before we end, to have this couple meet!"

"The 'Needle's Eye'!" was the cry, then. "I won't play kissing games!" said one or two of the girls. "Le's have 'The Gay Balonza Man'!" shouted Doctor Bliven, who was in the midst of the gaieties, while his wife too, plunged in as if to outdo him. "Oh, yes!" she said, smiling up into the face of Frank Finster, with whom she had been playing. "Let's have 'The Gay Balonza Man! It's such fun !"

We had, on the way down, fine views of the snowy Altels, the Rinderhorn, the Finster- Aarhorn, a deep valley which enormous precipices guard, but which avalanches nevertheless invade, and, farther on, of the Blumlisalp, with its summit of crystalline whiteness. The descent to Kandersteg is very rapid, and in a rain slippery.

Wall, I healed her after a time, and glad enough wuz I to see her healed, and started off. But Joe Charnick suffered worse and longer. He broke his limb in two places and cracked his rib. The bones of his arm wuz a good while a-healin', and before they wuz healed he was wounded in a new place. He jest fell over head and ears in love with Jenette Finster.

Wall, I healed her after a time, and glad enough wuz I to see her healed, and started off. But Joe Charnick suffered worse and longer. He broke his limb in two places and cracked his rib. The bones of his arm wuz a good while a-healin', and before they wuz healed he was wounded in a new place. He jest fell over head and ears in love with Jenette Finster.

And he changed his will, that had gi'n Jenette half the property, a good property, too, and gi'n it all to Tom, every mite of it, all but one dollar, which Jenette never took by my advice. For I wuz burnin' indignant at old Mr. Finster and at Tom.