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Tierney grinned his appreciation. "Now then, Tierney," went on Morgan, "you relieve Murphy in the morning, and watch things until I can get on the job. After I relieve you, you get in touch with Headquarters and have some fingerprint photos taken." "Did you find finger prints?" exclaimed Tierney, sitting up with a start.

No two people born into the world probably have ever had identical lines upon all their digits. It is very doubtful if any single fingerprint will ever be exactly duplicated by any finger other than the one which originally made it." "Does the comparison require much time or labor?" asked D'Arnot. "Ordinarily but a few moments, if the impressions are distinct."

The tricky part is being able to apply the silicone only to the edges of the glass and not letting your sticky fingers touch any other portions of the glass. Otherwise, the glass will look dirty, for the silicone marks will stay like a fingerprint on the glass forever.

"Not a finger-print anywhere," responded the other, "men like Barney are born wise to the fingerprint business, sir." He dipped a finger and thumb into his waistcoat pocket. "Clues? Well, I've got one little souvenir here which I daresay a writer of detective stories would make a good bit of." He held in his hand a piece of paper folded flat. He unfolded it and disclosed a loop of dark hair.

"I have been watching for an opportunity to strike up an acquaintance for a long time," replied Marsh, "but no such opportunity has as yet presented itself. You can rest assured, however, that I am ready when it does." Just then Marsh sat up and listened, as footsteps sounded over their heads. "That's all right, Marsh," smiled Morgan. "Those are my men taking fingerprint photographs.

"There's one thing more," said Mel. "Fingerprints. When we first came here Alice got a job where she had to have her fingerprints taken." "Excellent!" Dr. Winters exclaimed. "That should give us our final proof!" It took the rest of the afternoon to get the fingerprint record and make a comparison. Dr. Winters called Mel at home to give him the report. There was no question.

Price and the fingerprint expert, Carraway, did not hear him. For a moment he stood just inside the door and let his eyes wander about the room which Penny Crain had already described. It was not a large room twelve by fourteen feet, possibly but it looked even smaller, crowded as it was with the long ping-pong table, bags of golf clubs, fishing tackle, tennis racquets, skis and sleds.

Rating in Second Galaxy mathematics?" He nodded, hauled out a sheet of thin, wax-coated fabric and his claws made rapid imprints in the surface. He passed it to Bart, pointed. Bart hesitated, and Vorongil said impatiently, "Standard agreement, no hidden clauses. Put your mark on it, feathertop." Bart realized it was something like a fingerprint they wanted. You'll pass anything but X-rays.

It was the greatest poise and magnanimity to forfeit the compulsions of one's stir of night and to develop some semblance of civilized society, benign and sensible. How strange, she thought, that the subconscious was not universally declared as empirical as a fingerprint, DNA evidence, or a signature on a sheet of paper showing one's intent.

Criminologists all over the world have satisfied themselves of the absolute accuracy of the fingerprint identification. At the present time traveling salesmen, who spend much money and who wish to carry as little as possible of cash with them, have an organized system by which their bankable paper may be cashed at hotels and business houses over the country.