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He made an effort to rise, but fell back with a groan. "Can't do it, sir. Without me. Run!" I put my hands in my pockets without a word, and then started, for a voice said "You think Ching lun away allee time?" "Ching!" I cried, grasping his arm. "Yes; no good. Can't findee big hole to hide. Ching tumblee down off rock, and hurt him." "Much?" I said. "Yes, plentee plentee. Time to go now.

"No; too much head busy go sleep. Want findee allee pilate, show Mr Blooke no like pilate. Velly 'flaid all gone." How the rest of that night went by, I can hardly tell. We seemed to be for hours and hours without end tacking to and fro, now going up the river two or three miles, then dropping down with the tide, and always zig-zagging so as to cover as much ground as possible.

It slipped up Hop sleeve the same as it had done the first time. "Now you findee um jack of hearts," he said, smilingly. Roche nodded and proceeded to look for it. "It isn't here," he said, looking surprised. "You wantee tly foolee poor Chinee," Hop declared, putting on an injured look. "You takee um card and puttee in your boot, so be." "What's that?" cried Roche, half angrily.

Then he began anew his fumblings and contortions. At last his efforts were rewarded by his producing, apparently from his right ear, a many-folded piece of tissue-paper. Unwrapping this carefully, he at last disclosed two twenty-dollar gold-pieces, which he handed to Mrs. Tretherick. "You leavee money topside of blulow, Fiddletown. Me findee money. Me fetchee money to you. All lightee."

Man he strikee walrus; let he go again; somebody else findee; he walrus." "Well, Joe, suppose the somebody else lets the walrus go, how is it then?" "All same way." "So Toolooah has no interest in that walrus he killed and that you let go again?" "Yes, all same way here country. But I give'm back he line last night. Line my, all same; I findee." "That was certainly noble in you, Joe, I am sure."

"Ness not belly fal way. Malee make ness in sand close to sea-shole. Mollow mornin' I go lookee, maybe findee." All throughout the previous night they had heard a voice resounding along the shore in loud, plaintive wailings, and Captain Redwood had remarked its being a strange note to him, never having heard the like before.

"No," he said; "velly long way yet." "But who are these?" I said "some village people?" "Pilate," he cried. "Allee come home not kill, and findee plize-money gone. Makee velly angly. Wantee chop off sailor head." "Like to catch 'em at it," growled Tom Jecks, who had been very silent for some time. "Silence there!" cried Mr Reardon sternly. Then to me, "We seem to have checked them, Herrick."

We no die yet. Come away, cappen," he continued, bending down, and seizing the children by the hands. Then raising both on their feet, he quickly added, "Come all away. Unda de tlee death. Out yonda we findee life. Come away way."

"Yes; soon findee place." "Here, what is it, Jecks?" I cried, catching our companion's arm; for he suddenly gave a lurch as we struggled through the loose sand, and nearly fell. "Bit done up, sir," he said, with a piteous smile. "Wound in my leg makes me feel sick, and the sun's hot. Is there a drop o' water to be got at anywhere?"

"Too soon findee boat," said Ching. "Tellee man come when sun go out of sight." "Yes, and that means two hours good," said Barkins. "Look here, Ching, hire a boat cheap. Get a fellow with a sailing-boat, if you can." "Yes," said the Chinaman, nodding his head in a satisfied way, "Good boat velly nice boat boat with velly big sail fly over water, eh?" "Yes, that's it," said Barkins.