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Then he told more stories and pointed out the very localities where the incidents had occurred. "See that rocky peak over there? That's where the bears hole up in the winter. Network of caves, up there. King Solomon's the name the people that live here call it but it's down on the map as Grizzly Peak. Ain't any grizzlies, though black bear mostly. They're smaller and they ain't so fighty."

"It won't hurt if I tiptoe in and sit with her," he pleaded. "No, Louis. No one knows how to get her through these spells like I do. The least excitement will only prolong her pain." He trotted off then down the hotel corridor with a strut to his resentment that was bantam and just a little fighty.

He wouldn't stay a day longer than he had to, thought you could gamble on that. There the train was sliding out say, what if the fellow hadn't come, though? Such a possibility had not before occurred to Chip wouldn't the Little Doctor be fighty, though? Serve her right, the little flirt er no, he couldn't think anything against the Little Doctor, no matter what she did.

She got fighty over that, and wouldn't let the school out and wait for good weather, so I went out and told the Boyle kids to hit for home. Humpin' cats, somebody had to do something! "So then the Scotch come out strong in the girl, and I made her go home too. If I see 'em in that shack to-morrow, and the weather like it is and like it's going to be, I'll send 'em home again.

He's thinkin' the ole Diamon' Bar's goin' t' be one too many fer 'em. She shore looks fighty, with 'er head down an' 'er eyes rollin' all ways t' oncet, ready fer the first darn cuss that makes a crooked move!

"It won't hurt if I tiptoe in and sit with her," he pleaded. "No, Louis. No one knows how to get her through these spells like I do. The least excitement will only prolong her pain." He trotted off, then, down the hotel corridor, with a strut to his resentment that was bantam and just a little fighty.

With the breeze that swept a flurry of gray dust and a torn newspaper down the street, came the rattle of a wagon, the sound of voices mingled in raucous, incoherent wrangling. "They're comin'," yawned the bartender, glancing at the sleeper on the pool table. "Better wake up; they're comin' pickled and fighty, judgin' by the sound."

"Yes, I expect you would of tore the earth up all round him," Tom interrupted drily. "You boys shore are fighty, all right with your faces. What I'm interested in, is whereabouts you and Mel hunted. That hide wouldn't show up like the Devil's Tooth understand. And Scotty was bawling around like a man that's been hurt in the pocket.

Don't rubber like that, Weary; it ain't good manners, and besides; the schoolma'am's getting fighty, if I'm any judge." Weary pulled himself together and tried to look away, but a pair of long blue eyes with heavy white lids drew him hypnotically across the room.