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FIESCO. 'Tis the fault of your beauty, madam, that keeps them in such sweet slavery. JULIA. Away with compliment where honor is concerned. Count, I insist on satisfaction. Where shall I find it, in you, or in my uncle's vengeance? FIESCO. Find it in the arms of love of love that would repair the offence of jealousy. JULIA. Jealousy! Jealousy! Poor thing! What would she wish for?

"It is fearful," he wrote, "to live apart from humanity, without some sympathizing soul; yet no less fearful is it to cling to some kindred heart from which, sooner or later, in a world where nothing stands sure, one must wrench oneself, bleeding, away." On January 10, 1784, he was elected a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft, and on the following day "Fiesco" was produced.

ROMANO. He, my lord, is simply a painter, by name Julio Romano, who lives by theft and counterfeit of Nature's charms. FIESCO. Give me your hand, Romano! I love the mistress of your soul with a holy fire. Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter only gave us being, but 'twas the former made us men. What are the subjects of your labor? ROMANO. Scenes from the heroic ages of antiquity.

Hasten, Zibo! secure the barriers. Sink all the boats that he may not escape by sea. This diamond, Zibo the richest in all Italy this diamond shall reward the man who brings me tidings of Gianettino's death. FIESCO, SACCO, the MOOR, SOLDIERS. SACCO. We found this Moor throwing a lighted match into the convent of the Jesuits. FIESCO. Thy treachery was overlooked when it concerned myself alone.

After much of up and down those mutineers came back to us. They could not do without us; they could not get to Hispaniola in Indian canoes. The Admiral received them fatherly. No sail no sail. Long months and no sail. Surely Diego Mendez and Bartholomew Fiesco were drowned! Hispaniola, if it thought of us at all, might think us now by Ganges. Or as lost at sea.

They put him to the second. Then he spoke he spoke. My gracious lord, how could you trust your honor to such a villain? Ask me no question? LOMELLINO. Hear the rest! Scarcely was the word Doria uttered I would sooner have seen my name inscribed in the infernal register than have heard yours thus mentioned scarcely was it uttered when Fiesco showed himself to the people.

'Fiesco, now in print as a tragedy, should be put upon the stage at once; 'Louise Miller' should be taken under consideration, a performance of 'The Robbers' be given for the author's special gratification, and so forth. At first Schiller was little disposed to bank upon this effusive kindness.

At Florence is my dying Hercules, at Venice my Cleopatra, the raging Ajax at Rome, where, in the Vatican, the heroes of former times rise again to light. FIESCO. And what just now employs you? ROMANO. Alas! my lord, I've thrown away my pencil. The lamp of genius burns quicker than the lamp of life. Beyond a certain moment the flame flickers and dies. This is my last production.

And the thing had weapons to shoot at him; his history, his very blood, stood open to its shafts; and the sole quality of a giant, which he could show to front it, was the breath of one for a mark. These direct perceptions of the circumstances were played on by the fever he drew from his Fiesco bed.

I do remember me that Fiesco once called me brother, because we both were sons of the same country! Oh, is it only that? You meant then but to jest? The mourning dress is worn for Genoa! True, she lies indeed in her last agonies. The thought is new and singular. Our cousin begins to be a wit. VERRINA. Fiesco! I spoke most seriously. FIESCO. Certainly certainly.