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Few men in Chicago were better known or better liked than the stout, florid complexioned, jovial-looking Billy Fernmore, the host of this entertainment. His social adventures and the headlong follies in which his fun-loving proclivities invariably enmeshed him were only surpassed by his fondness for ridding himself of his unlimited wealth.

"Sh-h!" came from Medford; and then: "Come, Billy what's the point or the moral, as they say in novels?" "Fernmore is a rattling good chap, at heart," Graydon was saying to Jane; "but I can't stand that Med " "Yes, yes, go on, Mr. Fernmore," broke in several voices in eager expectancy. "The moral?" Billy's eyes were twinkling. "The joke, rather, is on me. When Mrs.

Fernmore, smilingly. "Boys will be boys." "Whew!" whistled Billy, in conclusion. "It was no end of a lark! I would not have missed it for the world; but the old chaps will never, never forgive me." As the gentleman finished, Bansemer was looking at Droom with amusement. The old clerk was shaking his head in a manner that signified disapproval. "How's that for doings in swagger society, eh, Droom?

My stars, but they were a fine collection of old innocents!" Fernmore threw himself back in his chair and roared at the recollection. "Billy's a wonder when he's wound up!" Medford's whispered aside to the lady on his right met with a simple nod of the head; for despite Miss Clegg's well-feigned interest in Mr.

Then I have Fernmore to thank for we are alone." He leaned forward in his chair and flicked the cigarette ashes into the fire, his black eyes looking into hers with unmistakable intentness. "You assured me to-day that you would be fair," she said with strange calmness, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "I am fair. What more can you ask?" with a light laugh.

Fernmore reached home I thought it wise to say nothing about the affair; but I had completely underestimated the persistency of these rejuvenated venerables.

Fernmore might have succeeded in surpassing the princely prodigalities of her lord and master. "It was this way," Billy was saying, in his own inimitable manner, and awake to the realisation of having a "good one" to tell; "a few days ago the lady of my house took wings for New York a little spree of her own, you understand. And, for Billy Fernmore, I kept out of mischief, for a time, fairly well.

"Certainly, I do;" and leaning over the table and covertly indicating with his long, bony finger the man at the head of the table, he answered succinctly: "That's Fernmore he's " A particularly loud burst of laughter cut him short. At the adjoining tables conversation had abruptly ceased; heads were turned and inquisitive eyes were fastened on the brilliant coterie at the alcove table.

If anyone but Billy Fernmore had done that, he would have been ostracised forever. Nothing like millions " "I don't believe true aristocrats would do that," interrupted Droom, half angrily. "These are the aristocrats money aristocrats; the others have lost the name forgotten. Come, let's go over yonder we can talk there."