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Well old pal I am homewards bound as they say as the war is Feeney as far as I am conserned and I am sailing tonight along with a lot of the other boys that's being sent home for good and when I look at some of the rest of them I guess I am lucky to be in as good a shape as I am.

"This thing came out of the ark," said Blake, rightfully wrathful. "What I want is the signal glass that deserter sold you for whisky last Christmas." Whereat Sancho called on all the saints in the Spanish calendar to bear witness to his innocence, and bade the teniente search the premises. "He's got it in that bedroom yonder," whispered old Sergeant Feeney, "and I know it, sir."

"You cast your eagle eye over these drawings while I do a little job of interviewing," and he walked over to the employees of the office, who, since they had been roughly warned by Feeney not to go near "that body," had huddled, scared and limp, in the far corner of the room.

Perspiring and angry, Feeney tried for five solid minutes to obtain some response from the dead telephone, then he gave it up. "I've got to go out and hunt up another 'phone," he declared. "Biff, I'll appoint you my deputy. Don't let anybody touch the corpse till the coroner comes." "I'll go with you," said Bobby hastily, very glad to leave the room, and both he and Mr. Ferris accompanied Feeney.

One was Lieutenant Blake no mistaking him, the longest legged man in Arizona. Another was big Sergeant Feeney, a veteran who bad seen better days and duties, but served his flag in the deserts of the Gila as sturdily as ever he fought along the Shenandoah three years before.

She was then hustled into bed, but seemed to be in even better spirits than before, confiding to the nurses that she knew Mr. Ten Eyck was partial to slender women, and that if she had anything to do with it she'd never weigh more than one hundred and ten again, "as long as she lived." "One hundred and ten is a lovely weight, don't you think, Miss Feeney!" she asked.

"It is noon." "I am to be married at eight o'clock this evening, Miss Feeney." "Yes, yes, I know," soothingly. "You might send word to Mr. Ten Eyck that I shall be ready. He may forget the ring unless you tell him that there is to be no post " She went to sleep in the middle of postponement.

The letters from True, Allen, and others quoted in the previous chapter were also placed before the Congressional Committee. It refused to call the men involved. He changed his name because he thought he could get along better in the business world with a name like Thomas than with a name as potently Irish as Feeney. Nazi propaganda center for foreign countries with headquarters in Germany.

Feeney and Jaffray had put their hands to the plough; they pegged away with the Birmingham Daily Post till it did make an impression, and the proprietors being able and experienced in the matter of newspaper business management, they stood very firm when they did begin to feel their feet. They drove the town not from pillar to post, but from Daily Press to Daily Post.

She glanced at her thin dress and shivering form as she said it. "No," said the girl; "for mother; she is poorly and needs it." She chose the gray, and gave the salesgirl her handful of money. The girl gave back the coupon. "They don't go," she said; "give me another, please." "But I haven't got another," said the girl, looking apprehensively at the shawl. "The Mr. Feeney said it was all right.