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Thérèse’s door being closed, and moreover locked, Aunt Belindy, the stout negress who had superintended the laying of supper, felt free to give low speech to her wrath as she went back and forth between dining-room and kitchen. “Suppa gittin’ dat cole ’tain’ gwine be fittin’ fu’ de dogs te’ tech. Believe half de time w’ite folks ain’t got no feelin’s, no how.

Drew was teased by a fleeting memory of the past, of a time when he had faced another pair of eyes such as those, surface eyes behind which you could see nothing. Then he became conscious that the pause was too lengthy, and he replied with a hurry he immediately regretted: "No hard feelin’s." This time he was able to recognize the meaning of that quirk of Shannon’s lips.

"They stopped here, goin’ home to their place. My Lord! warn’t she a high-flyer! She done her hair like a tied-up horse-tailmy wife called it a Sikey knotand it stood out a foot from her head. Some of the boys, kinder playful, wanted to throw a hat at it and see if it wouldn’t hang, but they refrained, out of respect to the feelin’s of the groom.

That gaze flickered for the merest instant to the Colts at the Kentuckian’s belt. "I sure had me a real snootful an’ I guess I was jus’ fightin’ th’ war all over again. No hard feelin’s?" That guileless confession was very convincing on the surface. How did you assess an emotion you did not understand yourself?

Now, Marse Benson, w’at happen to yo’ las’ night am all in de co’se ob a lifetime, an’ Ah hope you ain’t got no bad feelin’s. Yo’ suttinly done learn somet’ing new in de way ob tricks. Good-bye, sah, an’ mah compliments to yo’, Marse Benson.”

Interpreting the trend of their glance and expression, up flared Mrs. Yellett, with as great a show of indignation as if some one had set a match to her petticoats. "I declare, I never see such children; no more nacheral feelin’s than a herd of coyotes; never thinks of a plumb thing but grub.