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Gwendolyn reflected a moment. Then, "But my fath-er isn't made of money," she lingered a little, tenderly, over the word father, pronouncing it as if it were two words. "I know he isn't. When I was at Johnnie Blake's cottage, we went fishing, and fath-er rolled up his sleeves. And his arms were strong; and red, like Jane's." Thomas sniggered. But Jane gestured impatiently.

Then, "Well er " "Isn't it a fath-er-and-moth-er question?" "Why, yes, my baby. But I " "Father will tell you, dear." He was seated beside her once more. "You see it's this way:" "Can you tell it like a story, fath-er?" "Yes." "A once-upon-a-time story?" "I'll try. But first you must understand that law and order are not two people. Oh, no.

For sure enough! there was an ill-flavored taste on her lips a taste that made her regret having lost the candy. Next, the Policeman came tick-tocking up. "The scheme was to kidnap you," he declared wrathfully. "And keep me from finding my fath-er and moth-er," added Gwendolyn. Now she understood why Jane was so pleased with the choice of the automobile road!

"You'll help me to find my fath-er and moth-er, won't you?" she cried. "Cer-tainly!" "We were starting just as you came," said the Man-Who-Makes-Faces. "Well, let's be off!" His whistle hung by a thin chain from a button-hole of his coat. He swung it to his lips, Toot! Toot! It was a cheery blast. More than once she had longed, and in vain, to stop at one of these show-cases and purchase.

"Now what more could a little lady want!" exclaimed Thomas. "It's as wonderful, I say, as a wax figger." The rabbit, with a sharp click of farewell, popped back into the cabbage. Gwendolyn got down from the chair. "It is nice," she conceded. "And I'm going to ask fath-er and moth-er to come up and see it." Neither Thomas nor Jane answered.

"All the time?" repeated Gwendolyn, surprised. "It's where light grows." "Grows?" "Well, it's where candle-light grows." "Candle-light!" she cried. "You mean ! Oh, it's where my fath-er comes!" "Sometimes." "Will he be there now?" "Only the Bird can tell us that." Then she understood Jane's last gasping admonition "Get you-know-what out of the way! A certain person mustn't talk to it!

Wouldn't do any good, though. You wouldn't understand." The Policeman swung his head back and forth, nodding. "That's the worst," said he, "of being a Poor " Here he fell suddenly silent, and spatted the dust with his palms in an embarrassed way. She understood. "A Poor Little Rich Girl," she said, "who doesn't see her fath-er and moth-er."

When we're out walking one of these times we'll stop and shake hands with him!" "With the hand-organ man, too, fath-er? Oh, you like him, don't you? And you won't send him away!" "Father won't." He laid her back among the pillows then. And she turned her face to her mother. "Can't you sleep, darling? And don't dream!" "Well, I'm pretty tired." "We know what a hard long night it was."

And I'll be blamed for this, sir, though I take pains to follow out Madam's orders exact," She seized Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn, eyes dry now, and defiant, pulled back with all the strength of her slender arm. "Oh, fath-er!" she plead. "Oh, please, I don't want to go!" "Why! Why! Why!" It was reproval; but tender reproval, mixed with mild amazement. "Oh, I want to tell you something," cried Gwendolyn.

In fact, he was wearing the suit a dark blue he had worn that night she penetrated to the library. "Fath-er." "Well, little daughter?" "I was wondering has anybody scribbled on the General's horse? with chalk?" Her father looked down at the Drive. "The General's there!" he announced, glancing back at her over a shoulder.