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How many times have I seen those cuffs with the patent fasteners sticking up in the air, as if reaching out helplessly for their owner; the owner in the mean time standing high upon a ladder which creaked under his weight, humming to himself as he industriously examined every volume within reach.

A red geranium, potted and wrapped around in green crepe tissue paper, sprouted center table, a small bottle of jam and two condiments lending further distinction. A napkin with self-invented fasteners dangled from Mr. Becker's chair, and beside Lilly's place a sterling silver and privately owned knife and fork, monogrammed. To Mr.

The winders has all got noo fasteners. I could get in if I liked." "How?" said Sam, in spite of himself. "Think I'm goin' to tell you for this," said Pete. "You give me another, and I'll show you how to get in. I see you come in the wood and smoke over yonder." "And you've been watching me ever since?" "Course I have. What do you want to get?"

They range in variety from what his store books call prenolphthaline, solution of; cans, iron, tinned, 4 galls.; bits, brace, carpenter's, centre, 1 1/4 inches; to flags, hand, nainsook, white, with dark blue stripe, 2 ft. by 2 ft.; watches, stop; bolts, steel, screwed, bright, hexagonal-headed, 1 in. by 2 in.; sealing wax, foolscap, paper fasteners, and pencils; and paint, green, Brunswick, middling, whatever that may be.

He sent her several short lyrics on scraps of paper with instructions that he desired "three copies of each written beautifully in different styles" and "not fastened with metal fasteners but with silk thread of an appropriate colour." Both of our young people were greatly exercised by these instructions.

"I think your collar is perfectly sweet." "It's good of you to say so. You know I got it at that little French shop around the corner, but sewed some of that Mexican drawn lace on to make it a bit higher. Now I'm sorry I did, for I had to put in those snap fasteners instead of hooks. And if you don't get them to fit exactly they come loose.

He held out four closely written pages bound together with manuscript fasteners. "No man has ever before attained this knowledge or this power," went on Darrow, after a moment; "and probably never again in the history of the race will exactly this combination of luck and special talent occur. These four pages are unique."

Gee-Gee checked them, spoke into a walkie-talkie he had carried through the night, and Dick Earle's voice came back from the blockhouse. "The board is green." Rick took over and checked again. And once more Earle's voice sounded, harsh and definite. "The board is green." Gee-Gee slammed the access port door and locked the patented fasteners with a few turns of his screw driver.

Emily Meeks had withdrawn from the groups of laughing girls and boys and had crept into a corner by herself. The words of the Fire Song echoed again in her ears: "Whoso shall stand By this hearthstone Flame fanned, Shall never stand alone!" Gladys turned and fled to her room and resolutely began to unclasp the fasteners of her butterfly dress.

Raking the samples of collar fasteners off the counter into a black leather bag, he ran. He was a small man and very bow-legged and he ran awkwardly. The black bag caught against the door and he stumbled and fell. "Crazy, that's what he is crazy!" he sputtered as he arose from the sidewalk and hurried away. In the store Elmer Cowley and his father stared at each other.