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The reliable Icelandic pony so dear to the farmer in New Iceland, and for long known as "a man's best friend" has now for the most part come to serve the well-to-do who can afford to use it for their joy-rides, its place in farmwork being taken by modern agricultural machinery.

He was also expected to do the farmwork and other jobs, as well as the chores in and about the house. This included tending to the baby the good wives uniting to pronounce Abe the best of helps as "so handy," as Mrs. Toodles would say. He had attained his fixed height, exactly six feet three inches.

Indeed, several of their mother's precious books had been destroyed by the flames, and had it not been for the sorrow he knew she felt at their loss, Bryce would have openly expressed his satisfaction. He was born for the woods and fields, and although he made no objection to farmwork, it was plain that his father's roving disposition had entered strongly into the make-up of the lad.

The European peasant is indeed a simple, guileless creature if you are careless about how you talk. In this district and on beyond, the sight of women doing the bulk of the hard and dirty farmwork becomes common.

He would not talk much of mysteries, he would rather hum songs. He loved new friends and old. He had lived with one wife for fifty years, and he had five children, who were a policeman, a schoolmistress, a son at home, and two who were sailors. This man said that what a man did and the life in which he did it was like the farmwork upon a summer's day.

Austin stopped raking, and flung himself down on the grass beside her. "Sylvia," he said quickly, "I'm awfully sorry, but I can't go." "Can't go! Why not?" she exclaimed, with so much disappointment in her voice that he was amazed. "Father's a selectman now, you know, and away all day just at this time on town business. There's too much farmwork for Thomas and Peter to manage alone.

They reached us in October, but we were several weeks getting them paired in spans and ready to go up into the woods for the winter's work. The first snow that fall caught us in the midst of "housing-time," but fine weather followed it, so that we were able to finish our farmwork and get ready for winter. Housing-time! How many memories of late fall at the old farm cling to that word!

A record of this custom amongst the Welsh reminds one that Wales was at once the land of bards and the home of Taffy the Thief. "If successful," says Owen, speaking of these Maypole robbers, they "had their feats recorded in songs." In old times oxen were commonly used for farmwork, and it seems that they had their share in the May fun.

Even in haying, or other sharpest stress of farmwork, our farmer and his men stay themselves with nothing stronger than molasses-water, or, in extreme cases, cider with a little corn soaked in it; and the Mill Village, where she had taught school, was under the iron rule of a local vote for prohibition.

"Maybe we'd better go back to where there's not so many Sisters and more mothers, so you 'll have somebody to climb togedder with?" "I could climb here, Sue, and so could you." "Yes, but who'll Fardie and Jack climb with? I wish they'd come and see us. Brother Ansel would make Fardie laugh, and Jack would love farmwork, and we'd all be so happy. I miss Fardie awfully!