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At two o'clock Sam and Andy brought the horses up to the posts, apparently greatly refreshed and invigorated by the scamper of the morning. Sam was there new oiled from dinner, with an abundance of zealous and ready officiousness. As Haley approached, he was boasting, in flourishing style, to Andy, of the evident and eminent success of the operation, now that he had "farly come to it."

Ye see the war wuzn't farly begun an none o' the King's courts in th' uther caounties wuz stopped, but we callated the court mout make trouble for some o' the Sons o' Liberty, in the caounty if we let it set." "I callate 't ain't nothin very hard tew stop a court, 'cordin tew that," said Peleg Bidwell. "No, 'tain't hard, not ef the people is gen'ally agin' the settin on it," said Isaiah.

'Pears like he just grew crosser, every day; kep me up nights till I got farly beat out, and couldn't keep awake no longer; and cause I got to sleep, one night, Lors, he talk so orful to me, and he tell me he'd sell me to just the hardest master he could find; and he'd promised me my freedom, too, when he died." "Had you any friends?" said Emmeline. "Yes, my husband, he's a blacksmith.

Fust the rich folks eend wuz up too fur, and naow et's t'other way." "They be a burnin fences ev'ry night," said Ezra, "an they'll have the hull town afire one o' these days. I don' b'lieve in destroyin prop'ty. Thar ain't no sense in that. That air Paul Hubbard's wuss 'n Abner. Abner he jess larfs an don' keer, but Paul he's thet riled agin the silk stockins that he seems farly crazy.

Paul, who became all things to all men, if by any means he might save some. "Yours ever affectionately, with all Christmas blessings, "FARLY COURT, December 26, 1855. "I should be very much obliged to you to show this letter to Maurice." One more letter only I will add, dated about the end of the "Parson Lot" period.

The party beneath, now more apparent in the light of the dawn, consisted of our old acquaintances, Tom Loker and Marks, with two constables, and a posse consisting of such rowdies at the last tavern as could be engaged by a little brandy to go and help the fun of trapping a set of niggers. "Well, Tom, yer coons are farly treed," said one.

Allen yet believed that his daughter had an indisputable right to the land in question, and got me to go with mother Farly, a half Indian woman, to assist him by interceding with Morris for it, and to urge the propriety of her claim.