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You send for me, and tell me you vish to pay back de monish directly; I never refuse monish if you wish to pay, I will take, but I will not take von farding less dan de monish on de bond." "Very well, Mr Emmanuel, just as you please; I offer you your money back, in presence of my servant, and one hundred pounds for the loan of it for ten days.

Vait till I comes you've hit it for a farding." With springs which caused Rover to howl with jealousy, the fellow bounded over the bushes towards us, and in a minute's time was beside me. "Give me the shovel!" he cried, in an excited manner. "I is certain that you is standing on the place."

"Oh, cruel was the water as bore my love from Mary, And cruel was the fair wind as wouldn't blow contrary; And cruel was the captain, his boatswain, and his men, As didn't care a farding if we never meet again. Sing tura-la, tura-la, tura-lara hey.

"Wot sort o' copper?" demanded the urchin, "there's three sorts of 'em, you know, in this 'ere kingdom which appears to be a queendom at present there's a farding and a ha'penny and a penny. I mention it, capp'n," he added apologetically, "in case you don't know, for you look as if you'd come from furrin parts."

You send for me, and tell me you vish to pay back de monish directly; I never refuse monish if you wish to pay, I will take, but I will not take von farding less dan de monish on de bond." "Very well, Mr Emmanuel, just as you please; I offer you your money back, in presence of my servant, and one hundred pounds for the loan of it for ten days.

Last century, too, when life was lived by candle-light, and ethics was but etiquette, and even art a question of punctilio, women, we know, gave the best hours of the day to the crafty farding of their faces and the towering of their coiffures. And men, throwing passion into the wine-bowl to sink or swim, turned out thought to browse upon the green cloth.