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A man might as well claim the fish of the sea and the switch of the wood, and refuse the rest of the world a herring or a block of wood, as put black cattle in a fank and complain because he had to keep watch on them!"

"Fank you," said Cornelius James, and sighed, as children and dogs do after drinking. "Good night, Corney. . . . Now you must go to sleep and dream of bloaters. Oh, aren't you really sleepy? Well, if you shut your eyes tight perhaps the dustman won't see you," and switched out the light. As he was leaving a drowsy voice again spoke out of the darkness.

And here come your own little cups and saucers, nicely rinsed out, and waiting to be wiped dry." "Thank you, Grandmamma," said Duke. "Fank you, Grandmamma," said Pamela. And the two small pairs of hands set to work carefully at their daily task.

She scrutinised it closely. It puzzled her, though her bewilderment was nothing to the astonishment which that prescription would have excited in a member of the medical profession. "Fank you," said Barbara, who was no less pleased than puzzled, and who tried to look as if she quite understood.

"Oh, fank you, Mister Colonel," Hammy was saying, with shining eyes of rapture fixed upon the glorious ones; "and is they weally my own, my vewy own, for good?" "Yours and Berta's, really and for good." "And won't you" Hammy's magnificent effort at disinterestedness brought the tears into his eyes "won't you want vem to play wif, ever yourself?"

He, too, is a prince of Bores, but age has tamed him a little, and like the giant Pope in the Pilgrim's Progress, he can only sit and grin at Pilgrims as they go past, and is not able to cast a fank over them as formerly. A few quiet puns seem his most formidable infliction nowadays. September 14. I should not have forgotten, among the memorabilia of yesterday, that Mr.

He might be often on the hill, but it was seldom to tend his flock and bring them to fank for clip or keeling, it was more often to meditate with a full pagan eye upon the mysteries of the countryside.

"Here I am, boys," shouted Charlie. "Ho, to the rescue!" cried Sid, now taking long leaps forward. "Charlie, I rescue thee!" "We are coming to fank de enemy," said Juggie, anxious to have a hand in winning the laurels now coming so rapidly to the Knights of the White Shield. "Going to surround the enemy," exclaimed the warlike Sid, "and also rescue Charlie, but but we might as well go back now.

"You can go and get dressed for dinner now. And to-morrow morning if I'm not using the wheel maybe I'll let you use it awhile." "Oh, fank you!" said Cecelia Anne who had never quite outgrown her babyhood's lisp, "and can I have the saddle lowered so's I can reach the pedals?" "Oh, I s'pose so," said Jimmie grudgingly. "Sometimes you act just like a girl.

"Zere, pitty yady, 'tay ZERE. Now, 'ittle boy, I put you wif your mudder, tause mudders likes zere 'ittle boys wif zem. An' you sall have 'ittle sister tudder side of you, zere. Now, 'ittle boy's an' 'ittle girl's mudder, don't you feel happy? isn't I awfoo good to give you your 'ittle tsilderns? You ought to say, 'Fank you, Toddie, you'se a nice, fweet 'ittle djentleman."