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"Na faags," replied the gypsy out of the cloak. "Really, Mr. Dishart, you had better not ask," she added, replacing it over her. She followed him, meaning to gain the open by the fields to the north of the manse. "Good-bye," she said, holding out her hand, "if you are not to give me up." "I am not a policeman," replied Gavin, but he would not take her hand.

That's what I say; but Elspeth conters me, of course, and says she, 'If the young leddy was so careless o' insulting other folks' ancestors, it proves she has nane o' her ain; for them that has china plates themsel's is the maist careful no to break the china plates of others." "But what was the insult? Was Lauchlan dismissed?" "Na, faags! It was waur than that.

If I was to meet Marget in the face I couldna say he was deid, though I ken 'at the wricht coffined him; na, an' what's mair, I wouldna gie Marget the satisfaction o' hearin' me say it. No, Jess, I tell ye, I dinna pertend to be on an equalty wi' Marget, but equalty or no equalty, a body has her feelings, an' lat on 'at I ken Pete's gone I will not. Eh? Ou, weel. . . . "Na faags a'; na, na.

"Tommy, hearken to this, a light has been burning in Double Dykes and the door swinging open a' day! I saw it mysel', and so did Willum Dods." "Did you go close?" "Na faags! Willum was hol'ing and I was lifting, so we hadna time in the daylight, and wha would venture near the Painted Lady's house on sic a night?"

Na faags, it was ower ill to come by. The scartit one? No, no, it was a lucky. Well, then, the one found in the rat's hole? It was Tommy's first Muckley, and the report that he had thirteen pence brought him many advisers about its best investment. "Mind this," he said solemnly, "there's none o' the candies as sucks so long as Californy's Teuch and Tasty.