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Turning to his fair neighbor with a smile of uncouth but good-humored apology, he said in explanation: "You'll excuse me, miss! I don't know ezactly how YOU'RE feelin', for judging from your looks and gin'ral gait, you're a stranger in these parts, but ez for ME, I don't mind sayin' that I never feel ezactly safe from these yer road agents and stage robbers ontil arter we pass Skinner's station.

'I don't ezactly want him, if it's made a favour on. You can jist give him that 'ere card, and tell him if he wants to speak to ME, and save trouble, here I am; that's all.

Either of 'em could tackle any two of the rest of us in a stand-up fight and make mincemeat of us; so I reckon that's the reason why Turnbull chose 'em. With they four and the cook on 'is side, and the mate safe in irons and locked up in 'is cabin, 'e could laugh at the rest of us, and do just ezactly as 'e liked." "I see," assented Leslie. "But what sort of a man is your mate, then?

"Oh, cheese it!" said Tilda. "Oo's a-kiddin' now? An' see 'ere, Arthur Miles it don't matter with me, a lie up or down; I'm on'y Tilda. But don't you pick up the 'abit, or else you'll annoy me. I can't tell why ezactly, but it don't sit on you." "Tilda?" The boy caught up her name like an echo. "Tilda what?" "The Lord knows. Tilda nothin' Tilda o' Maggs's, if you like, an' nobody's child, anyway."

He had intended to make the best of his coachman. "Why so, Bounder?" he asked. "Don't I give you money enough, or what?" "Oh," replied Bounder, "the money's all right; but, to make a clean breast of it, the service ain't ezactly what I've been used to.

You see," with a persuasive air, "when a man's bitten by travel it's like the hydrophobia ezactly, he can't rest no time in one bed at all. Must be running here and running there and running reg'lar. It's the way with me, anyway. Used to think the ould island would be big enough for the rest of my days. But, no!

"Not ezactly," said Ethelwyn, "but I had a lonesome spot for you all whenever I thought about it." Ethelwyn always pronounced the word "exactly" wrong. Her mother liked to hear her say it, however, and one or two more; "for they will grow out of baby-hood all too fast," she said. "I went over to see Miss Helen Gray yesterday," said Mrs.

It do look like it, to be shore; but two seed in a okrey pod is ezactly alike, and one is one, and t'other is t'other." "Look at it. To the best of your knowledge and belief it is the identical handkerchief you found on Gen'l Darrington's pillow?"

But the triumphant success of his former effort had made him bold. He could not resist the temptation to write more. So he turned the paper over and wrote on the back "tell pa pa not to wurry about me i aspect to be home sune but dont no ezactly" His eyes were swimming by the time he got that down, but they brightened again as he remembered something. "Weve had grate times ear uncle Jo "

And it's the same as if all the devils out of hell had been at me the night through to do it still. Maybe I hadn't much to forgive. I'm like a bat in the light I'm not knowing where I am ezactly. Daresay the people will laugh at me when they're getting to know. Wouldn't trust, but they'll think me a poor-spirited cur, anyway. Let them there's never much pity for the dog that's licked."