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He flung it, with the dart still adhering, down over the cliff. "Look, Frumuos!" he commanded. "Search carefully and see if there be any scratch on the skin!" The man obeyed, making a minute inspection through his mica eye-shields. Then he shook his head. "No, Kromno," he answered. "I see nothing. But the arrow came near, near!" Stern, tremendously relieved, gestured toward the caves.

Amazed, he stared at the newcomers, now shouting with their relatives from the colony in wild abandon. To his vast astonishment he saw that they had contrived eye-shields similar to those of his own party, and that they had likewise painted their faces. They had supplies as well-dried fish, seaweed, crated waterfowl, and even fresh game. Allan's astonishment knew no bounds.

The canteens were now almost always empty; and more than one brook or pool, to which the men eagerly hastened, turned out to be saline or hopelessly fouled by fallen forest wreckage, festering and green-slimed in the cooking sun. In spite of the eye-shields and pigments, some of the men were already suffering from sunburn and ophthalmia, which greatly impaired their efficiency.

Stern, unspeakably saddened in spite of victory by this wholesale destruction of forest, fruit and game, turned away from the magnificent, the terrifying spectacle. He left his riflemen staring at it, amazed and awed to silence by the splendor of the flame-tempest, which they watched through their eye-shields in absolute astonishment.

Some of the hardier of the first-arrived colonists had already far sooner than Allan had hoped begun to tolerate a little daylight. Following his original idea, he prepared some sets of brown mica eye-shields, and by the aid of these a number of the Merucaans were able to endure an hour or two of early dawn and late evening in the open air.