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They'd have all I wanted to proclaim spread from one end of the county to the other in less'n a day, and a peck or two of extrys pitched in for good measure. I'm awful glad you didn't tell Emulous you was the minister. You see, Trumet's Trumet, and, considerin' everything, maybe it's just as well nobody knows about your bein' shut up in that study. Not but what 'twas all right, you know, but "

"We can't afford it," she said decisively. "I'd stay to hum afore I'd spend anything on extrys now when we're aketchin' up and layin' by." "'Twould be good bookkeepin' fer you ter go," spoke up Flamingus. "You see the preacher's givin' us his business, and we'd orter return the favor and patrynize his church. You've gotter hustle to hold trade arter you git it these days.

"And Field kin look around and see if there ain't some extrys for little Skeezucks." "If only I had the determination I wouldn't accept a thing from Parky's stock," drawled the miner, as before. "I'll go to work on the claim and pay you back right off."

"Yes," replied Hays, with a slight knitting of the brows, "the Doctor mout hev writ more particklers, but parsons ain't allus business men. I reckon these here extrys were to push Jack along in the term, as the Doctor knew I wanted him back here in the spring, now that his brother has got to be too stiff-necked and self-opinionated to do his father's work."

I reckon ye didn't take that to mind when you've been hustlin' round payin' two hundred and fifty dollar drafts for Jack and quo'llin' with Bijah! I ain't sayin' nothin', father, only mebbe if Bijah had had drafts and extrys flourished around him a little more, mebbe he'd have been more polite and not so rough spoken.

"I don't see what we are going to do, Amarilly," said her mother despairingly. "Thar'll be nuthin' comin' in and so many extrys." "No extrys," cheerfully assured the little comforter. "The city doctor'll take keer of Iry and bring the medicines. We hev laid by some sence we got the church wash. It'll tide us over till Iry gits well. We all need a vacation from work, anyhow."

When he wanted to put in any extrys, he perduced what he called hevin' reglar charges for this kind of work a Christian's hope." The Other Man: "I want to know." "Yes. But the other day, when Cy Dunham died you disremember Cy Dunham?" A long interval of silence. The Other Man was looking out of the window, and had apparently forgotten his companion completely.

The fammerly, being proud-like, of course didn't spare no money on that funeral, and it waz now between you and me about ez shapely and first-class and prime-mess affair ez I ever saw. Wilkins hed put in his extrys.

If anybody but you were sending me off I'd ask if everything was surely in the car But I'll not even ask you." "You don't need to," vowed the boy proudly. "And there's some things in you don't need to know about, just extrys in case of breakdown." "Now, that," said his employer, "is what call proving one's self a friend."

Merrick caught his nieces in his arms, by turn, and gave each one an ecstatic hug and kiss. Suddenly the press stopped. "What's wrong, McGaffey?" demanded Patsy, anxiously. "Nothing, miss. Edition off, that's all." "What! the entire four hundred are printed?" "Four twenty-five. I run a few extrys."