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For Christian, she sat by the fire, where her husband had placed her, absently taking in the externalities warm, somber, luxurious which, in all human probability, was now her home for life. For life!

And I think he hits with remarkable felicity the just mean between an undue and excessive regard to the mere externalities of worship, and a puritanical bareness and contempt for material aids, desiring, in the words of Archbishop Bramhall, that 'all be with due moderation, so as neither to render religion sordid and sluttish, nor yet light and garish, but comely and venerable.

Artists attach no importance to externalities,” replied Fräulein Jasmina with knitted brow. “A great mistake. He always looked as if he had just come out of a bandbox. You remember, don’t you?” The other two nodded. The three then walked down the garden path, arm in arm. Daniel was standing in the vegetable market before the Goose Man Fountain, eating apples.

It is equally plain from the miracles which the Lord did before their eyes when He was in the world; yet they crucified Him. Miracles were done among the Jews and Israelites because they were altogether external men and had been brought into the land of Canaan merely to represent a church and its eternal verities by the externalities of worship something a bad man as well as a good man can do.

That it will remain inert unhindered by externalities like government intervention, geopolitical upheavals, crises, abrupt changes in accounting policies and tax laws, hyperinflation, institutional and structural reform and other market-deflecting events and processes.

Such expectations are influenced by the price level it is more difficult to find buyers at higher prices by the general market sentiment, and by externalities and new information, including new information about earnings.

You must be born again.” It comes to the one who is trusting in mere external morality, and says, “External morality is not enough, you must be born again.” It comes to the one who is trusting in the externalities of religion, in going to church, reading the Bible, saying prayers, being confirmed, being baptized, partaking of the Lord’s supper, and says, “The mere externalities of religion are not enough, you must be born again.” It comes to the one who is trusting in turning over a new leaf, in outward reform, in quitting his meanness; it says, “Outward reform, quitting your meanness is not enough.

But at first he could not, apparently, get free from it: and he might have seemed unable to dispense with its almost mechanical externalities of mis-spelling and the like.

Those externalities of rank which she expects to drop out of sight in heaven loom up very large in her earthly field of vision. She fears her father's displeasure. She pretends to fear the ruin of her Ferdinand's career, albeit he assures her solemnly that she is of more importance to him than all else in the world.

It requires broad sympathy and a vital realization of the subjective view-point of different characters, with an appreciation of the relative force of different appeals to those characters, in order that the responsive voice may have the convincing ring which expresses the psychology of the character represented, and not merely the mannerisms and externalities of impersonation.