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There used to be academies, too, in the hill towns, where they furnished a rude but serviceable article of real learning, and where the local octogenarian remembers seeing something famous in the way of theatricals on examination-day; but neither his children nor his grandchildren have seen the like.

Meanings of words were indeed tabulated and learnt by heart, and as a rule the child on examination-day could make a fair show in deluding the inspector that the passage read was intelligently apprehended.

From my attic chamber, where I sat on my examination-day, guided by Cupid, in a manner which it would take too long to narrate, I gave to the whirlwind a love- letter, and at any moment SHE can step forward with my letter, my promise, and demand me soul and body." "Who is it, then?" asked bridegroom and bride, with the most earnest interest. "Yes, how can I tell that?

In fact, the thoughts of Dr Bewley's pupils were greatly exercised about the trouble that hung like a cloud over the school; and in its dissipation Glyn Severn and Singh had a good deal to do, while, oddly enough, Wrench's cat played his part. Examination-Day was rather a frequent periodical affair at Dr Bewley's.

It consisted in an unreasonable proposition with which he had before afflicted me: namely, that on the next public examination-day I should engage foreigner as I was to take my place on the first form of first-class pupils, and with them improvise a composition in French, on any subject any spectator might dictate, without benefit of grammar or lexicon.

He had a strong relish for public representation in his own person, but an extreme abhorrence of the like display in any other. He quelled, he kept down when he could; and when he could not, he fumed like a bottled storm. On the evening preceding the examination-day, I was walking in the garden, as were the other teachers and all the boarders.

Ay! and more than that. The making of yourself rich is the sure way to prevent yourself from ever being so. We see that in all other regions of life. If a student says to himself, 'Oh! I know all that subject, the chances are that he will not get it up any more; and the further chance is that he will be 'ploughed' when the examination-day comes.

And this procured him friendship and reputation. In this way, then, six years had slipped by, when Counsellor Bagger, or rather Fritz Bagger as we will call him, in remembrance of his examination-day, and his notes by the flying mail, was invited to a wedding-party on the shooting-ground. The company was not very large, only thirty couples, but very elegant.

The examination-day arrived. Awful day! Prepared for with anxious care, dressed for with silent despatch nothing vaporous or fluttering now no white gauze or azure streamers; the grave, close, compact was the order of the toilette. It seemed to me that I was this day, especially doomed the main burden and trial falling on me alone of all the female teachers.

I hope nobody will write a letter to "The Atlantic," to say that these are very trifling uses. The communication of useful information is never trifling. It is as important to save a nice child from mortification on examination-day, as it is to tell Mr. Fremont that he is not elected President.