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Fate that has passed me by gives the dice to your young hand, but how the cast will fall I know not, nor shall I live to see, or so I believe." "Speak no such evil-omened words, my father," answered Rames tenderly, for these two loved each other.

With the advance of Sandridge this evil-omened southern Avernus came in for better consideration, and by 1854, with a cutting into the Bay, it had become a ready-made boat haven. The Melbourne maps now show me that it must have reached still higher destinies. "Will Fortune never come with both hands full?" Second Part Henry IV. "The weakest go to the wall." Romeo and Juliet.

Trees fringed the southern bank here, leafless at this season, but still imparting a certain dark dreariness to the scene. The hoot of an owl occasionally broke the silence, and sent light shivers through Cuthbert's frame. He was not free from superstition, and the evil-omened bird was no friend of his.

Another year, and who knows but the Earl of Warwick, the beloved and the fearless, whose statesman-art alone hath severed from you the arms and aid of France, at whose lifted finger all England would bristle with armed men may ride by the side of Margaret through the gates of London?" "Evil-omened consoler, never!" exclaimed the princess, starting to her feet, with eyes that literally shot fire.

I was just going out to console myself with the company of my dear marchioness, when I saw the evil-omened masquer approaching, accompanied by a man, also in disguise, who shook me by the hand and begged me to come at ten o'clock to the "Three Kings" at such a number, if the honour of an old friend was dear to me. "What friend is that?" "Myself." "What is your name?" "I cannot tell you."

Another year, and who knows but the Earl of Warwick, the beloved and the fearless, whose statesman-art alone hath severed from you the arms and aid of France, at whose lifted finger all England would bristle with armed men may ride by the side of Margaret through the gates of London?" "Evil-omened consoler, never!" exclaimed the princess, starting to her feet, with eyes that literally shot fire.

I was just going out to console myself with the company of my dear marchioness, when I saw the evil-omened masquer approaching, accompanied by a man, also in disguise, who shook me by the hand and begged me to come at ten o'clock to the "Three Kings" at such a number, if the honour of an old friend was dear to me. "What friend is that?" "Myself." "What is your name?" "I cannot tell you."

The comments of the French press on Britain's attitude, despite their studied reserve and conventional phraseology, bordered on recrimination and hinted at a possible cooling of friendship between the two nations, and in the course of the controversy the evil-omened word "Fashoda" was pronounced.

"No, thank'ee, sir," said I, amidst my sobbings, "I want to go home." "But you are to get down here, however," said my evil-omened inviter. "Your boxes are all off the coach, and the coachman wants to go forward." "So do I." "It's excessively droll this hi, hi, hi as sure as my name's Saltseller, it is excessively droll.

But I suppose that they also held that this evil-omened field of death had some spirit of its own, some invisible but imminent fiend, who needed to be propitiated, lest soon he should claim them also. This was their method of propitiation, a common one enough, I believe, in many lands, though what may be its meaning I cannot tell.