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The rest of you had better go on board and see that everything is clear and ready for launching." "When you're quite ready to launch, let me know, if you please, Mr Evelin, and I'll go and light the fuse that's to blow up the battery," said Bob. "Ah! to be sure," answered Lance, "I had forgotten that. You may go up now if you like, Bob, and I'll give you a call when we're ready."

She had been thus amusing herself one evening when, as eight bells struck and Bob walked forward on being relieved from the wheel, Lance Evelin, who had been smoking his cigar on the break of the poop, and watching from a distance the "carryings-on" of the men upon the forecastle, sauntered to her side and opened conversation with the remark

Evelin led the way to that further end of the room in which the screen stood. Placing ourselves behind it, we could converse in whispers without being heard. Her first words told me that she had been warned by one of the hospital doctors to respect my friend's delusion for the present.

She said she'd love to I'd rather have had Miss Porter, on account of Connie but I didn't like to say so." "Evelin and Mildred will come; they were a little cold at first," Polly said, "but they're all right now, and crazy to see Connie." "How about the Dorothys, Lo?" Betty demanded. Lois chuckled wickedly. "They have made other plans for this evening, and will be unable to go," she said, sadly.

On the receipt of his moiety, Bob gave a grand supper to all his friends in Brightlingsea, the which is referred to with justifiable pride by the landlady of the "Anchor" even unto this day. It was whilst this eventful supper was in full swing that Lance Evelin unexpectedly made his appearance upon the scene.

Evelin, whom she abused sometimes for the small allowance that he made to her; sometimes for dying before she could prosecute him for bigamy. Her drunken remembrances of the other man were associated with two names. She called him "Septimus"; she called him "Darts"; and she despised him occasionally for being a "common sailor." It was clearly demonstrated that he was one man, and not two.

Fanny felt the fault was entirely hers and turned appealing eyes to her captain. "Cheer up!" Polly called. "That's only one; dodge her next time." But Fanny didn't get a chance to even touch the ball, for Betty lost the toss up, and the ball was spirited away to the other goal. Evelin fought hard, but Eleanor was so busy thinking about the lines that the Fenwick team made another basket.

Evelin to pardon me for an act of deception which I deeply regret." Lady Howel was a just woman. Under other circumstances she might have shown herself to be a generous woman. That brighter side of her character was incapable of revealing itself in the presence of Mrs. Evelin, young and beautiful, and in possession of her husband's heart.

With Bruce Evelin he had had a long talk; they had spoken frankly together about the future of Rosamund and Robin in the event of his not coming back. Dion had expressed his views on the bringing up of the boy, and, in doing so had let Bruce Evelin into secrets of Greece.

Canon Wilton had tried to use his almost stern power of manly sincerity on behalf of the soul of Dion. He and Dion had had a long interview after the inquest on the little body of Robin was over, and he had drawn nearer to the inmost chamber than any one else had, though Bruce Evelin, even in his almost fierce grief for Robin, had been wonderfully kind and understanding.