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Vespuce, dans les Pays nouvellement trouvés, tant en Ethiopie qu'en Arabie. Paris, 4to. Translated from the Italian: both are rare. The claims and merits of Vespucius may be judged of from the following works: Canovai Elogio di Amerigo Vespucci.

Of the state of the Ethiopie Arabs under Queen Candace we learn but little from this hasty inroad; but some of the tribes must have been very far from the barbarians that, from their ignorance of the arts of war, the Romans judged them to be.

Her playful wit was delightful; her voice was as an instrument of many strings; she spoke readily to every ambassador in his own language; and was said to be the only sovereign of Egypt who could understand the languages of all her subjects: Greek, Egyptian, Ethiopie, Troglodytic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac.

He found also a little to the south of Auxum a settlement of Syrians, who were said to have been placed there by Alexander the Great. These tribes spoke the language called Ethiopie, a dialect of Arabic which was not used in the country which we have hitherto called Ethiopia. The Ethiopie version of the Bible was about this time made for their use.