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She has also written a grand overture, "Esquisses Symphoniques," a piano trio, a violin sonata, a suite for flute and piano, and many other violin and piano pieces. She deserves to rank among the foremost women composers of our time. Jeanne Louise Farrenc was another Parisian woman who won fame by composing. Born in 1804, her career falls in the earlier part of the nineteenth century.

Breuil, in Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, viii. p. 206; E. Cortet, Essai sur les Fêtes Religieuses, p. 216; Laisnel de la Salle, Croyances et Légendes du Centre de la France, i. 83; J. Lecoeur, Esquisses du Bocage Normand, ii. 225. H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu gaulois du soleil et le symbolisme de la roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. Série, iv. p. 26, note 3.

Around the baseboard of the room were a row of esquisses for the picture, on small landscape-stretchers, mere blotches of colour laid on with the palette knife and large brushes, almost unintelligible to any one but Vandover. He selected two or three of these and fastened them to the easel above the big stretcher where he could have them continually in his eye.

Blanc introduced Mark Twain to the literary public of France; and Emile Blemont, in his 'Esquisses Americaines de Mark Twain' , still further enhanced the fame of Mark Twain in France by translating a number of his slighter sketches. He pointed out the praiseworthy efforts that had been made to popularize these "transatlantic gaieties," to import into France a new mode of comic entertainment.