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Diga usted, D. Eduardo ... diga usted ... , se marchó renegando a la esquina opuesta ... pues por Dios ... que estamos frescos ... veneno por aquí ... pistoletazo por allá, y a todo esto el amo metido en su aposento.... Necesito no descuidarme si he de llegar a tiempo de ponerme junto a un confesonario sin que me vean....

I sat down on the trunk of a fallen tree, when I detected a very decided smell of roses. Under the bark of a log esquina Lucien had discovered five or six beautiful insects of an azure-blue color, with red feet; these insects are very common in the sandy soils of Tehuacan, and are used by the ladies of that district to perfume their linen.

Passing Esquina, a hamlet at the mouth of the Rio Corrientes, vast volumes of smoke rising behind the trees on the right bank proclaim that the Indians of Gran Chaco are "burning a forest in order to roast a quarter of venison." Here the steamer's course lies among islands covered partly with undergrowth and partly with forests.

The other angel of deliverance is the volante, with its tireless horses and calesero, who seems fitted and screwed to the saddle, which he never leaves. He does not even turn his head for orders. His senses are in the back of his head, or wherever his mistress pleases. "José, calle de la muralla, esquina á los oficios," and the black machine moves on, without look, word, or sign of intelligence.