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After a moment's hesitation, he continued, with a forced grin, that gave an atrocious expression to his whole countenance: "Well now, you officers are playing a purty considerable spry trick it's a good lark, I calculate but you know, as the saying is, enough's as good as a feast. Do tell me, Mr.

"Oh, go home, you fellows," he said at last. "You make me sick. Enough's enough. Why the devil does every dinner like this have to end in a debauch?" In the end, however, both he and Clayton went along, Clayton at least frankly anxious to keep an eye on one or two of them until they started home. He had the usual standards, of course, except for himself.

"No, why?" asked Tom, playing along with the game. "Because they knew any time the Polaris ran out of reactant fuel we could just stick Manning in the rocket tubes and have him blow out some of his special brand of space gas!" "Listen, you Venusian throwback! One more word out of you and " "All right, you two!" broke in Tom good-naturedly. "Enough's enough! Come on.

"Aye, love is shure enough an' enough's as good as a faste, but what about childther if th' come, Anna?" "We don't cross a stile till we come to it, do we?" "That's right, that's right, acushla; now we're as rich as lords, aren't we, but I'm th' richest, amn't I? I've got you an' you've only got me." "I've got book learning, but you've got love and a trade, what more do I want?

The landlady was winding the clock, while her husband yawned. She glared. "I wonder if I may have some hot water for my father? He has a chill." "Stove's out. No hot water in the house." "Couldn't you heat some?" "Now look here, miss. You come in here, asking for meals and rooms at midnight, and you want a cut rate on everything, and I do what I can, but enough's enough!" The woman stalked out.

"Naturally you wouldn't," chuckled Calendar. "Few people besides the two of us understand the depth of affection existing between Dick, here, and me. We just can't bear to get out of sight of each other. We're sure inseparable since night before last. Odd, isn't it?" "You drop it!" snarled Mulready, in accents so ugly that the listener was startled. "Enough's enough and " "There, there, Dick!

"I didn't mean to give offence," replied Sheppard, sulkily. "But, let me tell you, it's not a pleasant sight to see the girl one likes in the arms of another." "You want another drubbing, I perceive," said Thames, frowning. "No, I don't. Enough's as good as a feast of the dainties you provide. I'll think no more about her.

Thus when Noblestone repaired to the office of Zudrowsky & Cohen at closing time that afternoon, he fairly outdid himself extolling Morris Perlmutter's merits, and he presented so high colored a picture that Zudrowsky deprecated the business broker's enthusiasm. "Say, looky here, Noblestone," he said, "enough's enough.

"Enough's good as a feast," returned his hostess sententiously. "It'll be tay-time afore aught's long." "Mun I bide for tay?" inquired Ted, with his head on one side. "Ye can if ye've a mind," said Margaret, accommodatingly. "Ye can be lookin' round if ye like while I'm gettin' things ready."

I say we're too enlightened for that. 'Twas good enough's long's we didn't think, but naow but naow a new loominary has arisen on the horizon!" "Meanin' you?" said the Deacon.