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Two or three days afterwards, Kendal, in looking over his engagement-book, in which the entries were methodically kept, noticed 'Afternoon tea, Mrs.

If old Aunt Maria could so wake in him the love of life and the hatred of that living death to which he had been condemned, what passionate will to live would rise in answer to the world's wonder and his wife's? "I wish you'd give me that little book on the table there," he said. Aunt Maria obeyed. "My engagement-book," he explained. "Look. I had things booked for five months ahead.

She returned, picked up the engagement-book and gave it him; then she stood for a moment by the bed, beginning to smile a little. "You've got a lot to fret about," she said. "Don't you fret about money, Sandro. I can manage a thousand in a month or so. No use hoarding it; it looks as if we should neither of us want it long." "You've got a thousand? What, now? Available?"

And my engagement-book I can leave with perfect confidence to my wife." "Mary is no doubt a very capable woman; I noticed that afresh, when last she was with us," returned John; and went on to tick off Mary's qualities like a connoisseur appraising the points of a horse. "A misfortune that she is not blessed with any family," he added.

The second was the engagement-book, and the third an account-book, in which the receipts and expenses of the steamer were to be kept. After breakfast Mr. Sherwood assisted his young friend in opening these books, and explained to him the best method of keeping his accounts. By this time the party for the day's excursion had begun to arrive. The ladies and gentlemen were friends of Mr.

She had a commonplace-book, as well as a Where Is It? an engagement-book, an account-book, a diary, a Daily Sunshine, and others with purposes too various to remember. 'Dearest mamma, she said, as I was departing, 'there is only one "p" in "opulence", isn't there? 'Yes, I replied, with my hand on the door-handle, and added curiously, for it was an odd word in Cecily's mouth, 'Why?

"You must meet my husband some time," she said; and added, "I'll have to see my engagement-book. I have so much to do, I never know when I have a moment free." "You must find it interesting," I ventured. "I did, for a while; but I've begun to get tired of so much going about. For the most part I meet the same people, and I've found out what they have to say." I laughed.

A pleasant sense of retrospection settled upon him as he slowly undressed; and a pleasant sense of interest touched him as, crossing to the dressing-table, he caught sight of Chilcote's engagement-book taken with other things from the suit he had changed at dinner-time and carefully laid aside by Renwick. He picked it up and slowly turned the pages.

Again the fact that power is visible in little things came to his mind. "Give me my engagement-book, Greening," he said, when the letters had been disposed of. The book that Greening handed him was neat in shape and bound, like Chilcote's cigarette-case, in lizard-skin. As Loder took it, the gold monogram "J.C." winked at him in the bright morning light. The incident moved his sense of humor.

Eric smiled indulgently and tossed the note into a despatch-box before ringing for his secretary. He must be more careful in future. . . . When he looked at his engagement-book on Saturday morning, he found that Barbara had named no hour; which was characteristic of her.