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Enfin, je suis en train de me refaire. Je desire vivement etre chez moi, et j'y arriverai aussitot que possible sans me rendre malade. Embrasse pour moi les enfants et ta mere; a toi de tout coeur." He reached home safely, but the fatigue and weakness seemed to last longer than previously, and insomnia frequently recurred.

N'avez-vous point pitie de moi dans le tourment que je souffre? helas! helas! mon amour, ma beaute, ma vie! au lieu de me guerir, vous vous plaisez a mes maux. Venez donc que je vous embrasse, et que je meure entre vos bras sacrez!" The above passages, from various pages of her journal, will suffice though they give but an inadequate idea of these strange extravagances.

Caroline, perhaps, might have been piqued some months ago that he did not dance with her; but now, her heart such as it was felt preoccupied. L'ESPRIT de l'homme est plus penetrant que consequent, et embrasse plus qu'il ne peat lier.* VAUVENARGUES. * "The spirit of man is more penetrating than logical, and gathers more than it can garner."

There I should be immediately asked: 'Mais qu'est ce que c'est donc que ce petit Sapajou que vous avez embrasse si tendrement? Pour cela, l'accolade a ete charmante'; with a great deal more festivity of that sort.

Pendant ce temps, le bruit courut qu'un prince Tartare nommé Sartach avoit embrassé le christianisme. Le baptême d'un prince infidèle étoit pour Louis une de ces béatitudes au charme desquelles il ne savoit pas résister. Il résolut d'envoyer une ambassade

He's not a man of books, that uncle of yours, and I'd be ashamed if he caught me reading at this hour of the day. But listen to me now." He took up the volume of "Voltaire" and read L'âme des grands travaux, l'objet des nobles voeux, Que tout mortel embrasse, ou désire, ou rapelle, Qui vit dans tous les coeurs, et dont le nom sacré Dans les cours des tyrans est tout bas adoré, La Liberté!

"Do you know that kissing song Embrasse moi?" I nodded. "Don't you think it awfully fetching? I like that refrain so much Embrasse moi, chumph! chumph! and then the orchestra exactly imitates the sound of a kiss then Encore une fois!! chumph! chumph! Don't you?" "Yes; it isn't bad." Silence. "Victor!" "What?" "La Faina was there to-night!" "Oh!" "Do you know her?" "I've heard of her." Silence.

He put spokes in everybody's wheel, behaved as the autocrat of the Congress and felt as self-complacent as a saint. Countess von Thurheim wrote of him: "He mistrusted his environment and let himself be led by others. But he was thoroughly good and high-minded and sought after the weal, not merely of his own country, but of the whole world. Son coeur eût embrassé le bonheur du monde."

C'est ta femme, mon coeur!" She threw herself upon him, her arms about his neck, with a tropical ferocity that was a very paroxysm of triumph. "Embrasse moi, Larrabi! Embrasse moi!" she cried. Horrified, outraged, his eyes blazing, he flung her off with a violence surpassing her own, and with loathing unspeakable.

'There's a sweet little cherub that sits up aloft And looks out for the life of poor Jack. 'There! said I, releasing him a little, but still keeping my hands on his shoulders, 'je vous ai bel et bien embrasse and, as you would say, there is another French word. With his wig over one eye, he looked incredibly rueful and put out.