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The great difficulty was that, apart from the Mahenge plateau, they were not rooted to any spot, and their elusiveness was illustrated by the fact that the Tabora garrison evaded the encircling forces and joined Von Lettow-Vorbeck at Mahenge.

I doubt if Giorgione had the altar-piece temperament. He was not for churches; and indeed there were so many brushes for churches, that his need never have been called upon. He was wholly individual, wistful, pleasure-seeking and pleasure-missing, conscious of the brevity of life and the elusiveness of joy; of the earth earthy; a kind of Keats in colour, with, as one critic I think Mr.

Ask the lady; I'm just a creature of circumstance. I merely act; she does all the thinking." The Nervina smiled and nodded. Her eyes were just as wonderful as Chick remembered them, full of elusiveness, of the moonbeam's light, of witchery past understanding. "Yes," she affirmed. "You see, Mr. Watson, it is the will of the Prophet. Harry is of the Chosen. We have come for the great Dr.

He had lost all interests, all hold on other phases of life, and this that he had made paramount, essential, baffled and deluded and denied him, and in its elusiveness it seemed now to have worn him quite out. Then once more he sought to goad his drooping spirits, to rouse himself to a keener efficiency.

To Roger Payne, standing beside White in the little wheelhouse, the mournful chuckle of the Southern nightingale, as it sounded time after time from the cavernous darkness of the jungle shore seemed to strike at him personally with a note of knowing mockery. The weirdness and the elusiveness of the scene seemed the inevitable ending of the strange day.

"An obstinate elusiveness," almost a "contrary cussedness," as if he would say, which he didn't: "If a truth about something is not as I think it ought to be, I'll make it what I think, and it WILL be the truth but if you agree with me, then I begin to think it may not be the truth."

I have loved you ever since the first time I saw you. I ought to have told you so before. Don't you love me a little, Ellen?" But Ellen released herself with a motion of firm elusiveness and looked at him. The tears still stood in her eyes, but her face was steady. "I have been putting you out of my mind," said she. "But could you?" whispered Robert, leaning over her.

Lloyd," she said, in a slightly tremulous voice. "Oh, good-evening, Miss Brewster," he cried, quickly. "So I am right! I was not sure as to the house." "People generally tell by the cherry-trees in the yard," replied Ellen, taking refuge from her timidity in the security of commonplace observation, as she had done the night before, giving thereby both a sense of disappointment and elusiveness.

When Georgiana confessed her love, I had supposed this confession to mark the end of her elusiveness. When later on she presented to me the symbol of a heart pierced with needles, I had taken it for granted that thenceforth she would settle down into something like a state of prenuptial domestication, growing less like a swift and more like a hen.

Even in her quietest moments there was that about her a sort of repressed eagerness, a look of seeing things far away. Aunt Harriet said that there were times when she had a "flighty" look. And that night it was that impression of elusiveness that stopped Harvey's amiable prattle about the weather and took him to her with his arms out. "Sara Lee!" he said. "Don't look like that!"