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"Whereas my husband, Micah J. Dimmidge, having given out that I have left his bed and board, the same being a bunk in a log cabin and pork and molasses three times a day, and having advertised that he'd pay no debts of MY contractin', which, as thar ain't any, might be easier collected than debts of his own contractin', this is to certify that unless he returns from Elktown Hill to his only home in Sonora in one week from date, payin' the cost of this advertisement, I'll know the reason why.

"I don't mind saying atween us that R. B. is the man as I've suspicioned as havin' something to do with my wife goin' away; and ye see, if he writes to E. J. D. that's my wife's initials at Elktown, I'LL get that letter and so make sure." "But suppose your wife goes there first, or sends?" "Then I'll ketch her or her messenger. Ye see?"

You might have told a better story than that hogwash about your finding the "ad" and a hundred dollars lying loose on your desk one morning. It was rather thin, and I don't wonder the foreman kicked. The young editor was in despair. At first he thought of writing to Mrs. Dimmidge at the Elktown Post-Office, asking her to relieve him of his vow of secrecy; but his pride forbade.

When this you see write a line to E. J. D., Elktown Post Office. I want this to go in as 'Personal and Private' sabe? like them notisses in the big 'Frisco papers." "I see," said the editor, laying it aside. "It shall go in the same issue in another column." Apparently Mr.

But when at last he allowed he'd go up to Elktown Hill, where there was a passel o' his countrymen at work, with never a sign o' any other folks, and leave me alone at Red Dog until he fixed up a place for me at Elktown Hill, I kicked! I gave him fair warning! I did as other nigger slaves did, I ran away!" A recollection of the wretched woodcut which Mr.