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I looked at my watch fifty times. I thought it would never be six o'clock. I did not care to show my country breeding, by going too early, to incommode my friend, nor my town breeding, by going too late, and spoiling his dinner. Sir John is a valuable, elegant-minded man, and, next to Mr. Stanley, stood highest in my father's esteem for his mental accomplishments and correct morals.

And this cruel outward accuser was there in the shape of a wife nay, of a young bride, who, instead of observing his abundant pen-scratches and amplitude of paper with the uncritical awe of an elegant-minded canary-bird, seemed to present herself as a spy watching everything with a malign power of inference. Here, towards this particular point of the compass, Mr.

I should like to have seen Denon's face!" "And Monsieur Denon did take a portrait of Mr. Rogers as Cupid, I believe?" "Come, madam, 'no scandal about Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Rogers is one of the most elegant-minded men in the country." "Nay! do not lecture me with such a laughing face, or else your moral will be utterly thrown away." "Ah! you have Retsch's 'Faust' there.

The Princess of Wales was one of the most unattractive and almost repulsive women for an elegant-minded man that could well have been found amongst German royalty. It is not my intention to recall the events of the Regency. It is well known that the Prince became eventually so unpopular as to exclude himself as much as possible from public gaze.