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We didn't no ways eleck him he was app'inted. Mostly, elected is better'n app'inted. An' I seen afore now, no man can hold his place on the trail unless'n he's fatten. We'll eleck Will Banion our cap'n, an' you fellers kin go to hell. What us fellers started out to do was to go to Oregon." "But that'll mean the train's split!" "Shore hit will! Hit is split right now.

I'm the father of Twins, and they look like me BOTH OF THEM. I cum to pay a friendly visit to the President eleck of the United States. If so be you wants to see me, say so, if not, say so & I'm orf like a jug handle." "Mr. Ward, sit down. I am glad to see you, Sir." "Repose in Abraham's Buzzum!" sed one of the orfice seekers, his idee bein to git orf a goak at my expense.

He hadn't more'n got them words out of his delikit mouth before two fat offiss-seekers from Winconsin, in endeverin to crawl atween his legs for the purpuss of applyin for the tollgateship at Milwawky, upsot the President eleck, & he would hev gone sprawlin into the fireplace if I hadn't caught him in these arms.

"Well, don't you think your Father in heaven would say the same?" "Maybe he micht, sir. But ye see my father was my ain father, and wad mak' the best o' me." "And is not God kinder than your father?" "He canna weel be that, sir. And there's the Scripter!" "But he sent his only Son to die for us." "Ay for the eleck, sir," returned the little theologian.