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Well, says Eldad, I hope I may be skinned if the same thing did'nt een amost happen to me at my examination. They axed me a nation sight of questions, some on 'em I could answer, and some on 'em no soul could, right off the reel at a word, without a little cypherin; at last they axed me, "How would you calculate to put a patient into a sweat, when common modes would'nt work no how?"

The reason is, they say, the metheglin gets sour after that, and ain't palatable no more, and what is left of it is used for picklin' cucumbers, peppers, and nastertions, and what not. Now, as Brother Eldad, the doctor, says, let us dissect this phrase, and find out what one whole moon means, and then we shall understand what this wonderful thing is.

"Why dod drot it," sais I, "Eldad, if I was such a born fool as to run agin a doctor, his clothes would fill mine so chock full of asafoetida and brimstone, I'd smell strong enough to pysen a poll-cat. Phew! the very idea makes me sick; don't come any nearer, or I shall faint. Oh, no, I shall give my superiors a wide berth, depend upon it.

I'd die before I surrendered my name; for in surrenderin' that, I surrender my principles." "Exactly," said Mr. Slick, "that's what Brother Eldad used to say. 'Sam, said he, 'a man with an alias is the worst character in the world; for takin' a new name, shows he is ashamed of his old one; and havin' an old one, shows his new one is a cheat." "No," said Mr.

"Not I regard that as worse than my 'Eldad' and 'Bildad." "I know it, and Alice says By the way, you haven't mentioned Alice, but I suppose you see her occasionally." Billy paused in evident expectation of a reply. Billy was, in fact, quite pluming herself on the adroit casualness with which she had introduced the subject nearest her heart. Calderwell raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yes, I see her."

"Humph!" grunted Calderwell. "I saw Cyril last week, and he said he hadn't named the twins yet, but he didn't tell me why. I offered him two perfectly good names myself, but he didn't seem interested." "What were they?" "Eldad and Bildad." "Hugh!" protested Billy. "Well, why not?" bridled the man. "I'm sure those are new and unique, and really musical, too 'way ahead of your Franz and Felix."

Chadwick, down to Keene, stopped him as he passed, and told him to tell Mrs. Bassett her mother was failin' fast, and she'd better come to-day. He knew no more, and having delivered his errand he rode away, saying it looked like snow and he must be jogging, or he wouldn't get home till night. "We must go right off, Eldad. Hitch up, and I'll be ready in less'n no time," said Mrs.

These prophesied what would take place on the following day, announcing the appearance of the quails, but Eldad and Medad prophesied what was still veiled in the distant future. The elders prophesied only on this one day, but Eldad and Medad retained the gift for life. The elders died in the desert, whereas Eldad and Medad were the leaders of the people after the death of Joshua.

On the arms to the right were the images of the seven patriarchs of the world, Adam, Noah, Shem, Job, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and on the arms to the left, the images of the seven pious men of the world, Kohath, Amram, Moses, Aaron, Eldad, Medad, and the prophet Hur.

I'd die before I surrendered my name; for in surrenderin' that, I surrender my principles." "Exactly," said Mr. Slick, "that's what Brother Eldad used to say. 'Sam, said he, 'a man with an alias is the worst character in the world; for takin' a new name, shows he is ashamed of his old one; and havin' an old one, shows his new one is a cheat." "No," said Mr.