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High spirits of emprise Elates each chief; they oil their brawny limbs, and dip their hands in dust. So little able is fortune to fill the capacities of the human mind; when such a weight of power, and extent of command, could not satisfy the ambition of two men. They had heard and read that the gods had divided the universe into three shares,

"And most sure am I, that I would ever do so; but often I so incline to a distrust of my powers, that I am far more keenly alive to censure, than to praise; and always deem it the more sincere of the two; and no praise so much elates me, as censure depresses." "A truce!" cried Media, "here comes a gallant before the wind. Look, Taji!"

Calculation, bringing with it resolution strengthened by forethought, and a hope made confident by its own trustworthiness do not allow one to be either dejected or presumptuous. Unreasoning impulse, however, often elates men in the midst of good fortune and humbles them to dust in disasters, possessing, as it were, no support, but always copying the feature of the chance event.

"The great news in this letter is that I have written a book which has paid its expenses. Is not that jolly? The idea of a second edition quite elates me. So you see, darling, things are rather cheering. I must say, everybody receives me pleasantly. Woodward is going to give me a whole day at Windsor.

"Then when you're on duty you go down to the wood-yard, and the place where you see me blow my nose is the place. The sacks are tied with string to the posts under the water. You just stalk by in your dignified beauty and make a note of the spot. That's where glory waits you, and when Fame elates you and you're a sergeant, please remember me." Johnson said he was blessed.

At least, they may say "She was a a but she dare die for the man she loved!".... Ay, but God despises me too, and elates me. He will send me to eternal fire. Philammon said so though he was my brother. The old monk said so though he wept as he said it.... The flames of hell for ever! Oh, not for ever! Great, dreadful God! Not for ever! Indeed, I did not know!

The goddess held a trumpet to her lips with her right hand and in her left carried a support such as was used for the erection of a trophy. The ship upon which she has just alighted is conceived as under way, and the fresh breeze blows her garments backward in tumultuous folds. That leaves us calm; this elates us with the sense of onward motion against the salt sea air.

That presence changed the tint of earth, Drew off the dusky veil, And turned to living verdure The leafage of the dale. "Till now," Azarco said, "the scene Has filled my heart with pain; 'Tis freshened by Celinda's face, Or passion turns my brain. Ah, well may men her beauty praise, For its transcendent might Elates the human spirit, And fills it with delight."

Although T had already been working this shot daily for two months and a half, and had obtained over 800 species of Coleoptera, this day's work added 32 new ones. Among these were 4 Longicorns, 2 Caribidae, 7 Staphylinidae, 7 Curculionidae, 2 Copridae, 4 Chrysomelidae, 3 Heteromera, 1 Elates, and 1 Buprestis.

This was not altogether pleasant for him, as he had nearly always to make a deft guess at the meaning and shout back a suitable answer in the face of a high wind. Besides Villona's humming would confuse anybody; the noise of the car, too. Rapid motion through space elates one; so does notoriety; so does the possession of money. These were three good reasons for Jimmy's excitement.