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"It was a sipple edough pridciple," he said later to Ellie as she spread mustard on his chest and poured more warm water into his foot bath. "The Cure itself depedded upod it the adtiged-adtibody reactiod. We had the adtibody agaidst the virus, all ridght; what we had to find was sobe kide of adtibody agaidst the adtibody." He sneezed violently, and poured in nose drops with a happy grin.

"Lord love a duck, you've had it handed to you all right," he gasped. "How did you get it? Did you foul a lamp-post, or bump a rock, or what?" "It is edough that I have met with ad accided," snarled the Count. "Cad't you see that I wadt some water? Is there do place where I cad wash?" "What you reelly want is a tap," said Jenkins sympathetically.

All around, an arena of mountains the green ravines of the Edough and its wooded slopes. Along the surbased roads rise the great sonorous pines, and through them wanders the aeolian complaint of the sea-winds. Blue of the sea, blue of the sky, noble foliage of Italy's ancient groves it is one of Lamartine's landscapes under a more burning sun.

"Will they be able to make it fast enough?" "Just aboudt fast edough for people to get good ad eager to catch cold agaid," said Phillip. "There's odly wud little hitch...." Ellie Dawson took the steaks from the grill and set them, still sizzling, on the dinner table. "Hitch?" Phillip nodded as he chewed the steak with a pretence of enthusiasm. It tasted like slightly damp K-ration.

Reade argued with abundant recourse to parenthesis. "Is she strog edough?" asked the nurse, still with tears in her voice; "cad she bear the sight of hib?" She blew her nose vigorously, and then continued with greater clearness: "I'm afraid it may turn her head." Out of her deep store of wisdom, Mrs.

In this atmosphere without mists, the sharp outlines of the coast, the dense movelessness of the aspect, has an indescribable effect. It is like a hitherto unknown and virginal revelation of the earth. Then the stars bloom out, with a flame, an hallucinating palpability. Charles's Wain, burning low on the gorges of the Edough, seems like a golden waggon rolling through the fields of Heaven.