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Colonel Barrow, of Edgecome estate, declared, that the habit of flogging was so strong among the overseers and book-keepers, that even now they frequently indulge it in the face of penalties and at the risk of forfeiting their place.

But this colored guest was treated with all that courtesy and attention to which his intelligence, worth and accomplished manners so justly entitle him. About noon, we left Edgecome, and drove two miles farther, to Horton an estate owned by Foster Clarke, Esq., an attorney for twenty-two estates, who is now temporarily residing in England.

There were twenty-four estates under the same attorneyship with the Belle, and they were all in the same prosperous condition. A short time before we left Barbadoes we received an invitation from Col. Barrow, to breakfast with him at his residence on Edgecome estate about eight miles from town. Mr. Cummins, a colored gentleman, a merchant of Bridgetown, and agent of Col. B., accompanied us.

The proprietor of Edgecome is a native of Barbadoes, of polished manners and very liberal views. He has travelled extensively, has held many important offices, and is generally considered the cleverest man in the island. He is now a member of the council, and acting attorney for about twenty estates.